Part 6…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


In 2007 I heard about a job that sounded really interesting, the position was at a company called Huggins Applied Healing. The owner Dr Hal Huggins was quite an extraordinary man, his work in biological dentistry had led him into the complexities of disease. He had spent decades researching the connection between all disease and blood to develop what he termed “ body chemistry re-balancing” and how when done correctly could cure most so called incurable diseases. In fact he himself had MS and had brought himself to a point of keeping all symptoms at bay.

I applied for the job and after 2 three hour interviews with the managing director and the Dr Huggins I was offered the job as Client Service Director. Before offering me the job Dr Huggins asked me if I was willing to lose my friends. I thought this strange and asked why, he told me that when I’d studied with him and knew the truth about so many things that I’d probably end up losing my friends. His knowledge and experience absolutely fascinated me so I obviously said yes.

Over the years since getting MS I think one of the most traumatic periods for me was in 2008, stress and trauma is always difficult regardless of your health but in the case of the MS sufferer it is deadly. Literally….. stress causes numerous chemical reactions in the brain and if the brain is severely compromised as a person with the disease is, then it sets the start of a domino like reaction that is just so debilitating. This happened when I was at work when I had a call to the reception area. A strange looking man asked if I was Stefan Cairns, I confirmed and then was handed a brown envelope. He then turned and walked out of the office. I studied the envelope and looking quite confused then opened it to find a paper stating the dissolution of my marriage. To say I was shocked is an understatement, I had absolutely no idea that there was a problem in my marriage, yes of course we had disagreements and choice words on occasions but divorce……

After sitting in silence for 20 minutes I went through to doc’s office to tell him my news. Doc was shocked and seemed genuinely concerned then suggested I go home immediately. I lived about 45 mile’s away so I had almost an hour to think about why this was happening. Apparently Dona had in her view justifiable reasons for divorcing me but when it came down to it all her reasons had a lot to do with my illness, so much for marriage vows.

After several marriage guidance counselling sessions we agreed that divorcing was the right option so I moved down to Colorado Springs where I worked. The divorce was very painful, stressful and extremely difficult financially for me, so as you can imagine caused major problems with my health.

Looking back on the period of my life, yes it was stressful and exacerbated my health problems but in hindsight it was the best thing for me. I was no longer married but I was much happier and it allowed me to focus on what was genuinely important, my work with Dr Huggins.

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