There is no doubt in my mind that the decision I made to follow and stick with the Ann Boroch Protocol four and a half years ago was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. At the time all I could see was that in an undetermined period of time that the horrid life sucking disease I had would be eliminated. I had
no idea that the first two or three months would be as difficult as they were, I definitely had a couple of days when my commitment was fading but with the help and encouragement from Janet, primarily, I persevered, thankfully.
As I was genuinely improving massively I became over confident and sadly and
unfortunately for me I had a fall in March 2020 that seriously damaged my knees, as the Pandemic had just started there was very little chance of me getting a knee operation and as we all know now my chances are slim to none of getting an operation through the NHS now. This has resulted in being bedbound ever since which as I’m sure you can imagine has resulted in serious muscle atrophy in my thighs exacerbating the weakness issue.
So in my mind I’ve had to come up with another plan of action, rest assured that the ABP is my forever eating plan but from a supplement point of view I’m diversifying.
For 15 years I’ve extolled the incredible benefits of Lipospheric Vitamin C, a few years back I did megadose with it for a few weeks, it definitely helped so I decided to do this again but this time with an even higher dose and for at least two months.
I started 9 days ago and to be honest the improvements are not just ones that I feel but ones that are commented on by my carers.
Financially this is putting a great strain on me but I’d love to go private if I had the money to afford it, not realistic at thist time, but I believe that it along with the ABP will restore me to health and genuine life again, mindset is so important and I “know” that I will succeed…
No hope…
I think that everyone has an imagination, a list of things in their mind that are accepted as fictitious and imaginary but also secretly believed to be possible in a strange way. I mean why go to the movies to watch Stallone kick Apollo Creed’s butt or overcome overwhelming odds as Rambo if these things were not actually possible. It’s a form of escape that we all like to indulge in when getting lost in a book that can and often does move us to tears..
Winning against all odds is the best feeling ever….
I’m sure a very large percentage of “ordinary people” like to think of themselves in a heroic way, when faced with horrible things we all know we would go to extremes to protect our child… nothing would stop us from saving our baby, we’d take a bullet or stand in front of a speeding train if we had to.
So why oh why do the same people simply accept when the so called medical professionals say there is nothing that can be done a out the disease called multiple sclerosis.
In my case, the medical professionals told me I have an incurable disease, in fact back in 2013 a neurologist actually looked me in the eye and said I was stage 4 MS and there was nothing that could be done for me….I should just accept that things could only get worse, at that time I didn’t know about Ann Boroch or her protocol that would heal my body
That’s when my Rocky Balboa and John Rambo came out, that’s when I knew in my heart of hearts that the doctor had five hopes of her being right and me accepting defeat, and they were Bob Hope, Periscope, Antelope, Envelope and NO HOPE…
I’ve had this blog for 11 years now and simply wanted to share information, sadly I now need help financially and would really appreciate your help, whatever you can will be much appreciated.
You haven’t done it right…
Over the last 5 years, give or take, I must have heard doctors, medical professionals and normal people all state with conviction that the disease myself and over 2 million others suffer from, multiple sclerosis is incurable.
So thinking logically if everyone else all think the same thing then surely they must be right..
If everyone had had that mentality 200 years ago then in all honesty the world as we know it wouldn’t exist.
We definitely wouldn’t have gone to the moon, flying in general would only exist in comics about Flash Gordon, and the 1.5 billion cars on the worlds roads would be non existent, neither would any of the technologies that make our lives easier.
Just because someone or some people say it can’t be done, it only means that “they” can’t do it.
So when a 24yr old was told that MS was incurable and that she had it, should she have just accepted what the so called experts said and just take the pills like a good girl, fortunately for her and thousands of others she didn’t.
My point is…the Ann Boroch Protocol is a proven, tried and tested way of healing your diseased body, completely naturally.
Follow the protocol exactly, not nearly or close enough, then you’ll know true health again, regardless of the nay sayers and previous failures, tell yourself and everyone else that you haven’t done it right.
I’ve been constantly upset by the blatant lies published daily by this company regarding the nutrional value of their product. Millions of people every day are buying this product and feeding it to their family believing that they are feeding them a nutritious product. when in reality it’s the opposite in fact it’s downright toxic.
The product is Nutella the chocolate and hazelnut spread.
What the advertising says is that it’s easy and quick to provide a nutritious breakfast by spreading an ounce or two of Nutella onto a slice of toast.
The advertising claims their product is simply hazelnuts and cocoa powder, if you care to do a little research you’ll find the first ingredient in Nutella is Sugar, in fact 53% of every 100 grams is sugar.
Sugar is by far the most toxic natural food on earth.
As for its nutritious qualities, let’s be honest: Nutella has the basic nutrition profile of chocolate frosting with slightly more protein. (Chocolate frosting has 1 gram of protein; Nutella has 3 grams, thanks to its hazelnuts and skim milk.)
So, is chocolate frosting healthy for breakfast? Of course not. Two tablespoons of Nutella contains the equivalent of five teaspoons of sugar. That’s very high.
But even the Nutella website says it should be “used in moderation with complementary foods.” A tablespoon spread on a slice of high-fiber whole grain bread accompanied by fresh fruit and a glass of milk or some yoghurt is not going to get you arrested by the nutrition police.
To put it clearly, Nutella is dangerous, it’s toxic and should be—
Avoided at all cost’s…
It’s not about…
In my previous post, I talked about the world today being very different from the world I was born and grew up in.
From a technological standpoint, even the general understanding of mankind is so much more advanced than it was only 30 years ago.
Nowadays even an, 8, 9 or 10 yr old seems to have a far better understanding of anything computerised, smartphones and laptops are “De rigueur” as far as kids are concerned.
When you look at transport in general, it’s no longer an “Around the world in 80 days” adventure, its a “be with you in a few hours” flight even when the journey means travelling half way around the world.
Knowing this, then, why is it that health in general takes a backseat when it comes to priorities and “mans” acceptance.
When I say “mankind” I’m not just referring to men as such, it’s humans, men, women and children.
Come to think about it, it’s probably kids that cause more problems as most are growing up in this world of a million options.
So getting to my point, “Health” seems to be a dirty word these days, it used to be that mankind ate foods to stay alive… whereas now people eat things that look or taste good regardless of it harming their body.
In the UK, recorded government statistics show that roughly 26% of 10 and 11 yr olds are obese and a similar amount of adults.
Why is that I wonder? …
Maybe it’s because food manufacturers have discovered the incredible power of advertising.
It’s strange how foods designed for cats and dogs are always advertised focusing on the nutrional value and how eating this will enable your cat or dog live a much healthier and happier life. But that’s very rarely mentioned when it comes to stuff masquerading as food.
As I said, because of the power of adverting, the sharks and pariahs will heavily promote a side effect riddled drug that simply masks a symptom of a health issue that in reality has been created because of consuming other other heavily promoted processed junk.
The powers that be, advertising giants need to be more concerned about true health, not drug induced longevity of people in pain both physically and emotionally.
What will help mankind is instead of promoting things that look and taste nice is to educate people, so people understand that just making your tastebuds happy and your stomach full isn’t the most important thing.
It’s not about filling yourself with junk food, understand that when your tummy is rumbling.
It’s actually crying out for nutrition…
Not healthcare…
Today’s world is very different than the world I grew up in, the mentality of a lot of the younger generation these days
seems to be focused on “now” how it will be, or how they will feel or be perceived by others in the future doesn’t matter…
I’m sure many of you, like me have heard the phrase “Living in the now”, but that attitude is not good as a life guide or mantra. So many 18 or 20 something yr olds seem to think its cool to have a sleeve or leg tattoos making radical statements but in reality seeing a 50 yr old woman covered in ink is disgusting and completely changes the perception of them to most people.
I’m not referring to an odd commemoration to a late relative or loved one on someone’s shoulder where only you will see, but plastering radical statements where it’s obviously seen in everyday clothes. That’s not for you…its in everyone’s face that comes into view.
Imagine yourself in later life going into work every day or going to a job interview wearing the clothes you wore when you went out clubbing at night 30 yrs ago..
The way I see it is that when meeting someone covered in ink it’s as if they are shouting their opinion that you have to hear (see) regardless of whether it’s relevant or important to them now.
Okay… my opinion, nothing more.
But the scientifically proven fact is that anything and everything you put into or onto you body affects you, mostly in a negative and detrimental way, you only have to look at the fact that more than 60% of people in the western world are overweight or suffering with a health issue.
Yes, pharmaceutical drugs are keeping people alive longer, but thats just financially beneficial to them, having a larger customer base.
All manufactured foods are riddled with preservatives, additives, and taste enhancing drugs but do nothing good for your health..
I don’t know the exact percentage, obviously, but an awful lot of people take pharmaceutical drugs these days.
What used to happen is when people got sick, they would see a healthcare professional who would advise and prescribe if necessary, sadly these days thats not the case, these days those people have become Sickcare professionals….
You are one of…
In todays world there are many so called incurable diseases, much more so than there was 50 or 60 years ago, and no its not because medical science is so much more advanced now than it was then although it is. In reality it’s because people are affected so much more by the never ending supply of taste enhancers, additives, preservatives and msg etc.
The human body is such an incredible
thing that’s been designed to function and even self heal in “normal” situations, but it’s having difficulties coping with so many of the unnatural substances that’s been added to about 95% of foods and drinks consumed on a daily basis.
So many people that are suffering with one of the so called incurable disease… Multiple Sclerosis will say after looking at a protocol that’s scientifically proven to beat MS that it’s too complicated or not a practical program to follow.
In reality the ABP isn’t difficult, it does require a change to your eating habits, but is that such a radical problem, the reality is No its not..
Think about it… we are talking about YOUR LIFE NOW.. is not eating the same foods as most others that hard.. no its not, okay yes it does require a change, an adjustment, but don’t think about the difficulties, focus on the rewards.
There are more than 2.2 million suffering with MS and I bet 2.199 have never heard of the Ann Boroch Protocol, so think about it, you do know and You have the opportunity to kick MS into touch, so my friend, in my book that makes you.
One of the Lucky ones…
But …. what if…
Over the past fifteen years, I’ve written for my personal blog which is: and for a couple of groups on Facebook, I’ve had two books self-published on Amazon, one called : Dentistry and how it’s damaging your health… and the other which was intended to be the first in a group of four until the law firm representing certain publishers threatened me with legal action, the book is called:
The ABP, year one of four.
I was the Client Service Director for Dr Hal Huggins who was the World’s leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing for 4 years.
I met with Dr Thomas E Levy a couple of times and spent hours discussing some amazing things he’d worked on, not only was he a lawyer and Oncologist but also an incredible medical researcher.
My first book was primarily about some things I’d learned from them.
The second book, as the title indicates was about my first year following the Ann Boroch Protocol.
Now obviously I don’t know as much as the late Ann Boroch R.I.P. or Janet Orchard who is continuing to promote Ann’s work, but I am reasonably knowledgeable about her work.
So my comments on the Facebook groups and my blog are about topics I feel will benefit others I’ve nothing to gain by sharing, I’ve no hidden agenda, I simply want to help, unlike Big Pharma, the pariahs spreading blatant lies and growing their customer base to expand the disgusting profits generated by side effect laden drugs.
You probably look at me Stefan Cairns not even a doctor and compare what I’m saying against the billion-dollar giants and just dismiss my words, but…
What if I’m right!!!】
Our goal…
Obviously there are people with desires and ambition and that is great, it’s what has enabled the world to move forward and develop but sadly some people have hidden agendas in that they don’t care about the damage caused in their quest.
I’ve so much to say that sometimes I realize that I’ve strayed from my original intentions.
Okay, let’s look at health, in order to achieve almost any goal it’s always going to be reached easier if the person trying is healthy.
When anyone is sick or suffering with a health condition, if it’s serious enough most people will go see a doctor.
The problem with most medical practitioners is that they ask what symptoms they have. A good place to start, yes, but… the problems in most cases can escalate from here because in most cases, not all but most, the doctor will use what knowledge and experience he or she has to apply guesswork as to which drug will work best, if that drug doesn’t help after a couple of weeks or a month if they’ve prescribed an antilife pill, oops sorry it is anti-life but they refer to it as an antibiotic.
I think I’ve got the Ronnie Corbett syndrome.. haha.
Okay as we all know the human body is an amazing thing with the ability to heal itself over time, sadly because we as humans consume a great many complex man-made and synthetic additives, the natural process of self-healing is hindered.But what is in or excreted will always tell us what’s genuinely wrong.So a Blood test, a Urine test and examining fecal matter will reveal genuine answers.No it won’t tell you exactly what is wrong but it will give a far more accurate indication of how the health condition can be addressed.Attempting to correct the cause of the problem rather than prescribing drugs to treat symptoms.So if people in general had a little more patience and stop demanding a “pill” which would in turn enable the medical professionals to do what they were trained to do and abide by the Hippocratic Oath…To do no harm…If they examined what is in, I.e. Blood and lymphatic fluid.What comes out, as in Urine and fecal matter then work backwards they would genuinely solve the problem.It would minimise the constant lines of patients at doctors surgeries.It would massively reduce the sick days and massively improve production.It obviously would reduce the disgustingly high profits of big pharma, in reality the most important thing is better health for mankind. That should be Our Goal…
But I’ll never…
It’s really weird how things change and what was the perfectly natural ways in a particular industry have changed so much so because of organisations that are only interested in profit.
A couple of days ago I wrote about how diseases…. not just mild sicknesses but deadly diseases have been created. Yes you have read that correctly…. a great many diseases have been purposely created by the pharmaceutical giants who at the same time are investing millions on drugs that treat one of the many symptoms of the horrendous disease.
They promote themselves as a caring and considerate giant when in reality they are manipulative money-grabbing pariahs.
About ten years ago an ex big pharma worker, a whistleblower released an inter-company memo from an annual big pharma meeting being held in Las Vegas stating that by 2025 they intended to have every one of the 330 million US population to be taking at least one prescription or Otc drug.
She also released information relating to both my claims.
As far as I’m concerned the advertising industry is as much to blame as the “shitbags” making the addictive side effect-laden drugs.
It’s become perfectly normal now to believe we are lucky to make it through life and not get Cancer or MS, ME or MND or one of the other 20 supposedly incurable diseases.
Disease… all Diseases non of them are incurable!!! It’s just that the pharmaceutical pariahs have chosen to not find a cure.
Going back to the start of this article and foods..
Fifty years ago all crops, fruit and vegetables were grown naturally with nothing unnatural sprayed on them but now it’s considered weird to only want organic foods. Okay there wouldn’t be as many crops harvested but on the positive side there wouldn’t be as many sick people.
Drugs treat symptoms, symptoms of a disease created by the pharmaceutical giants whose efforts are lining their pockets while making more and more customers.
They spend millions on advertising and government lobbying to ensure that the most influential never genuinely understand what’s happening.
Foods grown, processed and contaminated with toxic additives are one of the initial steps to creating a never-ending supply of customers who are then told that they will forever take a drug.
I know I’m saying things that will upset many unfortunate victims of these unconscionable people but its true.
I know I’m fighting s losing battle, but.
I’ll never stop trying…