What YOU believe….
We all have motivations in life, some are things we’d like to achieve or accomplish, it might be something that we’ve seen others do, successful people. I’ve heard others say things like, “they just had it easy”… or “they had lots of help, they didn’t do it by themselves”… or, “I dont like having to get up early”.. or ” whatever” … in reality they are just excuses….
In my mind one of the hardest of problems to overcome… is our taste buds… they convince our minds into thinking that it will be okay to just have a small amount of a food that in reality we know is wrong and I know I’ve personally been guilty of doing it…
So going back to the others that have achieved their personal goal… it wasnt easier for them, they didn’t get to where they are because of help…
They got there because they personally did what they needed to do… whatever was necessary…
So when we are given a blueprint, a specialised course of action, an achievable plan..we just need to follow it…. not make excuses and create what the weaker parts of our minds think of as justification and succumb to temptation…
The blueprint in my particular situation is the Ann Boroch Protocol that was created to overcome a supposedly insurmountable problem….multiple sclerosis…
So the way to successfully move forward is to read the specialised course of action, the blueprint of success to heal the body…
In our case its a book called “Healing Multiple sclerosis “….
When its read…. more than once, so
when you/we/me truly understand, when we believe, not just think it might work for others, but know in our hearts its the right thing to do, it will work, we will be successful… why?
Because what you believe..
………You make true…….
The killer for me…
I must start this post by categorically stating that the Ann Boroch Protocol works… what that amazing woman did, was considered impossible by the world’s medical experts.
Since I started on the ABP in September 2018, I’ve tried my hardest to adhere to the protocol, but as most humans will do, I occasionally succumb to the always demanding taste buds and have protein bars that superficially look acceptable. A day or two later the symptoms permeate my thick scull when I realise the itty bitty sugar content is too much.
So as I approach 3 yrs I’m very pleased with my progress, I’ve not used the recipe section as I previously said but just stuck to compliamt foods.
A few weeks ago I was pretty pleased with myself as I’d found a gluten free and dairy free protein bar…
After trying one and liking it, I didn’t notice any obvious side effects so I bought a box of 20 of them and had 3 each week.
On Tuesday of this week I’d noticed a few little problems that were just a bit bothersome, not diarrhoea per se but loose movements.
After looking deeper into my regular food intake but not finding anything I looked closely at the small print on the bars..
Guess what… the dairy free bar included…Native whey…
So… the Testa cuadra…I live in (thick scull) realised my problem.
I’ve always understood that gluten, dairy and sugar should be avoided.
In addition to non compliant veggies.
They are all bad foods for followers of the ABP..and I’ll do that obviously but looking at my own personal situation…
The killer for me is Dairy….
- What do you want…
No-one chooses to be sick, we don’t contemplate life and its difficulties then decide to be sick.
Some people make lots of wrong decisions that have been based on their taste buds… yes, certain foods taste great and stimulate an overwhelming almost uncontrollable desire to eat more… thats not a natural desire you have when eating strawberries, its because of additives such as monosodium glutamate… MSG is added to give you the “moreish” desire you get from foods like Pringles…
Other people aren’t necessarily conscious of problems that can be created by certain additives that don’t bother other people’s organs but they are just unlucky.
I think that 99% of people just accept what the doctors tell them, those people are supposed to be the experts in the medical world, so its only natural to believe them…
Sadly, that ceased to be true about 30 years ago, maybe more, that was when the pharmaceutical companies became pharmaceutical giants and financially influenced our doctors…
My choice on medical care changed when I learned very different things, working for Dr Hal Huggins in Colorado I met and talked to several leaders in the wrongly described as “alternative medicine”…
In reality the Homeopathic and Ayurvedic methods where therapies are typically based on complex herbal compounds and minerals to treat the cause is natural, whereas the Allopathic method is to treat the symptoms using an artificial pharmaceutical drug..
So addressing the disease that doctors using pharmaceutical drugs considee impossible, and by using the ABP, a “tried and tested” method thats shown thousands of times to work, is I believe to be the logical way.
Why would anyone choose to take pharmaceutical drugs that mask the problem on a temporary basis while creating many other health problems and generate the need for more and more drugs that slowly sap your life away.
What I’m doing is following a protocol developed by Ann Boroch who healed herself in four years.
I’m not healed yet, but I am taking great strides forward towards health.
I’ll be 65 in 6 weeks, I’ve had MS since February 2004, over the years I’ve known several others that went along with the doctors recommendations to take unnatural, pharmaceutical drugs but sadly they are no longer with us.
I’m not doing this perfectly, but I am doing it nearly right, I know I occasionally have small treats… not things that knock me off track, just slow me down a little.
What do you need to do the ABP, you need to truly want it… to believe it will work if you just “Do it”..
If you have discipline now you’ll make it easy for you later…
Discipline now, easy later… or
Easy now and suffer later…
Think about it, making commitments and being disciplined now is definitely easier than trying to be harder on yourself as you get older, as you get weaker physically and the symptoms of your personal disease are stronger.
Keep doing what you’ve always done and you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got…
Or…. do the Ann Boroch Protocol and get your life back…
What do you want ?…
- Because they don’t…..
The worlds medical experts all say that multiple sclerosis is incurable…
They say that because the companies that manufacture drugs have a hidden agenda. What you are lead to believe is that they are working tirelessly to find a way to cure a disease… whatever disease, but even though they have spent billions trying, they just haven’t done it.
Poor people… all that effort for nothing, but during that time they have created drugs that help a little to address some symptoms on a temporary basis… and fortunately they’ve also found stronger versions that will do the same after their first ones stop working…
Weird really…
Nothing to cure, but plenty to keep you taking them for as long as possible…
So in reality all that has happened is they have just improved their own customer base….
As per usual, I’m digressing from my original topic and ranting about my “pet hate”…. big pharma….
So, …MS…. and the unfortunate people like you and I that have it…
It isn’t a disease per se… its a collection of symptoms caused by bad choices of diet… I know that sounds strange, almost unbelievable after diagnosis and consoling words from the specialists… but its true….
When many other diseases are diagnosed after blood tests, there are definitive markers of that specific disease…. but not with MS..
You’re told its an “autoimmune” disease, as in your own body is mistakenly fighting itself…. hmmmm.
The human body is more advanced, more capable than the worlds most advanced computers, actually hundreds of times more powerful, not just a bit better.
That being the case, why would your own immune system try to kill itself?
Its not….
What its trying to do is remove toxic materials that are preventing its own organs from doing their job. Sadly the toxins are distorting the functionality of the specialised sections of the body and changing the composition and effectiveness of the blood….
So in my case and thousands of others before me, we are following the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) which slowly but surely removes the bad foods and toxins, then rebuilds your body, what happens over a 4+ year period is that your body is “healed”…
This happens when a total life changing attitude becomes your natural way of living..
At the end of August I will have completed three years, I personally believe that the only significant symptom I have now is a muscle weakness that is passing, slowly but surely .
I didnt develope the many symptoms of MS overnight, they took many years to show, so eradicating the toxins and correcting the imbalance and disfunction of the organs in my body will take 4 or 5 years, but it is happening…Going back to the title of this post…
Yes big pharma and the medical professionals that have been fooled by them, all know about the symptoms of what they perceive as multiple sclerosis, but not what it really is, unlike those of us that know of the ABP and its healing properties…..and ….
Because they don’t know me…
Just different.
All of my life I think I’ve had a different perspective to most people, I think I’ve seen myself in a sort of special way, admittedly there’s been a part of me that has loved happy endings as do a lot of people. But its the hero that didn’t consider him or her self to be a hero but overcomes adversity and wins against all odds that I’ve related to more than anything else.
I’m not a brave man or special, I dont think of myself as John Mclain… the Bruce Willis character in the Die Hard films, but I’ve loved the character who just does what needs to be done when no one else has stepped up to the plate…
So when I was diagnosed with MS in February 2004, only two years after making the massive move to the USA , the natural thing, the normal thing that people do is to pay attention to the doctors and neurologists that are so called specialists in the medical arena.
Their advice to me and anyone diagnosed with this hideous disease is to accept what the medical specialists and pharmaceutical giants all believe.. that MS is incurable so dont kick up a fuss, be a good boy, take the medicine and resign yourself to taking their drugs and not actually living a life again…
But as I said at the start of this post, I see myself in a different way.
For more than 13 years I refused all MS medication and tried more than 50 things like therapies, operations, tonics and supplements, some helped a little but none in a long term way.
In August 2018 I read “Healing multiple sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and with the help of Janet Orchard I started the ABP..the Ann Boroch Protocol on September first.
So in 2 months I’ll complete my 3rd year of a 4 year plus protocol.
I’m not healed….Yet…. but I honestly believe I will be. It might be 4 years or 5 years but I’m 100% certain it will happen, why? Not because I’m special, because I’m not… but even though the majority of people wouldn’t or couldn’t keep going in the face of adversity my John Mclain me comes to the surface and reminds me that I’m….
Just Different….
I’ll start this post by saying that this is my opinion, one that has been formed through research, experience, fact and common sense…
The majority of people have views and opinions, and everyone has a right to have one, but in most cases, not everyone, but most, that opinion has been formed through doctors visits and advertising…. its not Fact… its been formulated by companies with a hidden agenda…
The Hippocratic Oath, is long and demands those trained as doctors do the right thing ethically and morally…but essentially the vow taken is: Do no harm….
So seeing a doctor because you have an ache or pain or “symptoms “… you’d expect that your treatment would essentially be to heal you.
Sadly the medical profession is now dominated by the pharmaceutical giants who in reality are interested in one thing, profit…
You arent “their patient”… indirectly and directly you are just a customer… a way of making more money.
About ten years ago when I was a director in Dr Hal Huggins organisation, I read an article that included text from a internal memo within one of the pharmaceutical giants that stated..yes stated that their intention was to have every American taking at least one pharmaceutical drug everyday within the next 20 years, so only ten more years before I have no doubt they will succeed..
They go about their business, a very lucrative business in a very clever way, well its clever from their point of view, but devious in all others. They use the media to promote themselves as knights in shing armour working tirelessly on behalf of mankind..(men, women and children of every race, creed and colour) , said in case some might take offence or misunderstand…
As i said earlier, its not done to make the world a healthier place, its simply to make billions in profit. They have no intension of eradicating disease, they simply want to solidify their financial future.
Whats happened is because of advertising, the media and sponsorship, the intermediate stages between them and us are financially encouraged and manipulated into promoting a drug… I had a telephone appointment with my local doctor a few days ago, during the conversation I was asked if I would take a prescription medication for my sciatica, I hate using that word, because it’s not medicine, its an addictive drug administered to address a symptom. Anyway I replied to the doctor these precise words “you and I both know that drugs treat symptoms”… his response was yes..
So why are the pharmaceutical giants not forced to conduct their business while conforming to the “Hippocratic Oath”.. simply because its not in their best interests…
Special day…
I personally feel that having multiple sclerosis is an absolutely horrendous disease, one that can confuse and mislead others and to a certain extent, isolate you…
From first “knowing” in your head that the reason you feel so bad and think it might be MS causing your problems and then when the official diagnosis is delivered…. when the neurologist in my case said….
“There’s no way of breaking this to you gently, but you have multiple sclerosis ”
Its not something that other people can genuinely understand… you Will progressively get worse, especially if you take one of the D.M.D’s (disease modifying drugs) which in reality do nothing more than mislead you and others that you are getting better..
Maybe they should officially be renamed as Disease Misleading Drugs.
Anyway, I digress…when that diagnosis happens and the Neuro attempts to console you, then tells you that there are many support groups that will help you “accept and come to terms” with your news.
Regardless of this, you will have felt alone….
No one really understands the unique problems that you personally have…. they will all say they understand and feel your pain, but they don’t and their confusion will abound as on freshly taken drug days you will feel good, but that will soon change and you will feel and react differently which “misleads” others.
You’re probably thinking that this is a negative post…. hold on, bear with me!!!
All the above is true…but thats not where this ends, in fact its where the good part begins…
Why on earth would you want to be around lots of people with no hope for a life or a future…
A lot of us with ms have had it for a long time before finding the ABP…
in my case it was 13 years… in some ways I’m different, not better, but different because in my case I was living and working in Colorado when I was diagnosed… an arrogant English man offending an American neurologist didn’t go down too well.
That happened when I categorically refused to take the medication (drugs) he prescribed and told….Told me I’d be in a wheelchair in 6 months if I didn’t….hah…16 years later and still not..
So in September 2017 I started on the ABP.. and never looked back, now I am genuinely healing… not there yet but a lot better physically and mentally than I was..
Now I genuinely have a great “support group”, people who “understand”…
Now I’m part of a special group and know that We are all here for each other…
Now I’m proud to say that now I have real Connections….
Never, Never, Never…
I often write about the positive effects I’m having by strictly following the Ann Boroch Protocol, and its true. I dont write exaggerated effects as a way of misleading existing or new starters on this program, I tell it like it is…
My aim is to always inspire or motivate others while reminding myself of the changes I am personally experiencing.
However…. six weeks ago or is it seven…. hmm, whatever… I had a nasty fall that quite frankly buggered my knees…I’ve been limited to my bed ever since, apart from bathroom visits of course.
My plan was to allow the damage done to my ligaments, tendons and cartilage’s to heal, not an easy thing to do knowing that blood doesn’t flow through any, so daily TEN’s machine use and rest has been the only treatment.
Being confined because of the “lock down” is bad enough but being in bed is a tad worse…
I’m not better than anyone else, but I know I’m different, I am a very positive and optimistic person and I constantly tell myself I’m winning regardless of how depressing my condition is.
Sadly, a couple of days ago it all seemed too much, I actually felt down, I wasn’t depressed exactly but the negativity of my weakened legs, the pain in my knees and the excruciating agony of the sciatica which feels like a knife in my left butt cheek then streaming down my leg and needles being pushed into my toes just seemed too much for me.
I felt like I was being knocked down hill and all my previous work has been wiped away, I actually felt like giving up…
On Saturday I thought about several things that could possibly be restricting my progress, certain supplements I’d not been taking came to mind, that was rectified when my afternoon carers came and I’m noticing the difference as I’m writing this at “O dark thirty”…. (after midnight).
Anyway just so everyone knows, even though I always appear to be super positive, that occasionally….no, not occasionally, more like once in a blue moon I experience negative thoughts. I admit I had that on Friday and for a day or so I went through my Darkest Hour…. yes just watched my hero Winston Churchill, so I had a very tough time emotionally but it’s gone now and I’m back to being me…..so as he said…
Never, never, never give up..
Take nothing….
As I’m approaching the end of my 32nd month on the Ann Boroch Protocol, I personally feel very confident of achieving my goal of removing the so called incurable disease from my body, yes it will take four years or more, but that’s a small price to pay when the result is good health again.
I know that I’ve spent the past 5 1/2 weeks in bed, but that hasn’t been because of the protocol, its nothing to do with potential failings or deviations or cheating with foods. It was the result of me overdoing things, thinking I was strong enough to push myself through obvious signs that my legs weren’t as strong as I thought, my bad….
Being over confident, sadly is part of me, I am always telling myself to just try a little harder, I tell myself to not just “try” but to “do”…..
I’ve forced myself into a position that I know what to do but my battered body is just not fit enough….If I had a swivel joint on my knee, I’d kick my own ass…
Anyway, as I’ve said before, apart from the daily weakness that spreads through me around midday everyday I really am not aware of the many MS symptoms that once ravaged my body.
So in my humble opinion, the ABP works, it’s important to ideally keep eating from the 90 day food list, and….
Take nothing for granted