
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized


I’ve written everyday this week because it seems wonderful things are happening which I can honestly say are surprising me, scaring me and making me very very happy.

Surprising me because the additions to the Ann Boroch Protocol are really helping even though I doubted it before I started.

Scaring me because it almost seems surreal.. and I’m scared they will stop and cause problems.

Very very happy, because its 1.40, I’ve had my lunch, salmon and stir fry Chinese veggies, I’d drunk my hot chicory, my replacement for coffee then used a catheter, I was able to wrestle my body onto my right side taking the pressure off my poor butt for fifteen minutes. At this point I felt good and thought…yeah go on Stefan.. so I did, I got up again like this morning but this time my stand ups were even better, yes much better…
I had to write about this a post immediately, so the title W.F.W..

What do…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I think it’s very important when considering situations to try and put everything into perspective, I mean that different people have differing desires and circumstances. The man with billions of £’s or $’s travelling into outer space wouldn’t be impressed with “getting out of bed”…
But the achievement is no less fantastic to “little old me”…
On Sunday morning I wrote that at the “butt crack of dawn” I’d swung my legs out of bed, fixed my scrumpled pillow then stood, well tried to thirty times and managed to get back into bed….. easily.
I actually did a little better on both Monday and Tuesday, so as I’m sure you can imagine I was very pleased with myself.
I slept very badly last night, it was very “close”, hot humid and very debilitating for me and the others with this freaking shitty disease, “excuse me”… so when I decided to start my day with the first of six catheters I wasn’t very optimistic.
But… I got my legs out of bed, squidged my feet into the carpet a few times which was actually a great feeling. Then I started pushing down on the bed assisting my legs to straighten. Not only did I manage to “stand” 45 times over a 5 minute period but I was able to get my back straight and steady myself touching the wall. So Sunday was a first in 16.5 months, Monday and Tuesdays efforts were both improvements and today, Wednesday was a significant step forward, should I be more excited and optimistic for the future, but, in reality this is the biggest improvement I’ve had in a long time, “What do you think?” …


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized


Life in general isn’t easy so when a terrible disease takes up residence in your body, the “isn’t easy” becomes “bloody hard”, but thats life.
In reality very little that’s good happens easily, I know there are lots of successful people that just appear to be really lucky, but in order for them to have succeeded in their chosen profession, be it business or sport or whatever, they’ve had to work hard at it. The Gordon Ramsey’s or Richard Brandon’s of this world worked really hard, lots of long days when most others were resting or playing. The athletes trained much more to be faster or stronger when others gave up.
None of those people just did it… it wasn’t easy but it was what the particular person wanted, we all have special people that we admire because of their tenacity and determination to succeed, when everything around them seemed to be falling down, they remained focused on what they truly wanted. Ann Boroch was only in her twenties when she was struck down with a so called incurable disease, the doctors, neurologists, PhD’s and medical experts all said there’s no point in trying or hoping to beat this because you can’t…but she did… she tried and tried and tried again even though it initially seemed like a lost cause. The protocol doesn’t work, it doesn’t cure you…because that’s not what it’s about, it’s about removing the toxins that you have put in to your body then enabling your body to “heal” itself..
It’s not rocket science but it’s not easy, you have to believe it works, believe in yourself and just keep trying no matter how hard it gets.
If beating an illness was easy then it wouldn’t be classed as incurable and big pharma wouldn’t be making millions in profit.
So faced with a supposedly impossible task requires lots of effort, the title of this post is F.A.G.U..
It’s not about just “accepting”, that’s what they say, not what “You” believe.. keep trying…so

Oh really!!!

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Oh really…

Only two hundred years ago it was deemed perfectly acceptable for a surgeon, a highly educated and qualified man to go from one operation to another without sterilising, not even cleaning the scalpel or his hands before moving on to the next patient. Was he stupid?… No… its just what the medical professional knew at that time… (very relevant)….
Ann Boroch in her mid twenties researched and attempted, successfully to heal her body of what was perceived as an incurable disease…
At that time the thought of nutrition being an integral component in the quest to heal was totally disregarded and to an extent laughed at….food was food..or at least that’s what they believed.
My point…. what we and doctors, scientists, PhD’s… the medical world in general think they know, they aren’t stupid or ignorant, we just don’t know everything….Yet!!!!
Have you considered …?
Oh really!!!
Let me just think about that…

Not only, but…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Not only, but…

Now I know the beetroot juice isn’t on protocol but the fact is that I’ve been having great results. I’ve not had any…. Any negative effects at all, in fact I’m actually really pleased at how good I’m feeling.
The only thing I personally dislike is the taste, I’ve never been a beetroot eater as I find the taste rather gross, but thats a personal thing and in reality a small price to pay for the benefit I’m getting.
Anyway, to the reason for this post, no I’m not Ronnie Corbett for us older folks, I did a little more searching, as I do and found something called “Beet it”.. a 70 ml beetroot juice concentrate which I’ve now taken once daily for four days..
Now not only is is more palatable, it actually tastes nice as it has lemon juice in not apple juice, its much easier to drink but it appears to be even more effective..


Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Wouldn’t it be great if all improvement in our lives were simply done just by saying, “I want it to be this way”… or “I don’t want to be poor”… or “I don’t want to be overweight”…
So many people don’t like or don’t want to live with the problems they currently have, they complain about their current situation and often say things like… “I never win” .. or “he or she is just very lucky” or “I can’t do that because I just don’t like doing it”..
Then there are the people that say that it’s not right to complain, to accept that that’s life, it’s just the way it is…. I’ve often heard the statement….”live in the Now”….
In my mind, I’m not just unlucky to have multiple sclerosis, I don’t make statements that it’s completely unfair as I loved to be physically active but can’t now because of MS.. why didn’t it happen to the other guy, the one that’s a couch potato instead of me…
No, what I say is ” if you or I don’t like or don’t want things to be a certain way, then do something about it…
It’s not easy making big changes, it doesn’t just happen, you have to work at it to make significant changes, changes that make tangible long term improvements.
Anything!!!! Anything you genuinely want can happen, but you…yes you have to believe it… not just think about it or hope for it or wish for it but BELIEVE IT…
If you truly want it, if you believe it you’ll do Whatever it takes…
No, I don’t like the taste or whatever reason the looking for excuses mind concoct’s.
As far as the “Living in the Now” people are concerned…thats just a trendy way of giving up…

Me…. I’d rather die trying than giving up without a fight…

Because they make…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

When I look at what’s happening in life, not just me specifically but life in general, it’s now perfectly normal and acceptable and frighteningly it’s Expected… yes expected to have a disease, one that the so called “experts” consider to be incurable…
It’s weird, strange that these incurable diseases were either unknown or far less common fifty years ago…
Yes but, I hear some say… the medical research is so much better, more extensive now.. true, but thats not the reason.. the real reason is that there is so much crap, so many additives, “E” numbers and genetically modified organisms…GMO”s….. there are seeds that deter or kill bugs. So many of the crops that are grown have been sprayed with toxic materials, think about it, a herbicide or pesticide that kills bugs!!!, do you honestly think that if it kills bugs it will be perfectly safe for you.. NO IT FREAKING WON’T!!!!.
There are people that have the same type of inquisitive mind as me, people that would rather stop, prevent or minimise the potential of disease taking control of “Life”… we are often perceived as “tree hugger’s” or weirdos that prefer organic foods, all crops used to be organic. People were healthier, slimmer and didn’t take DRUGS.. the pharmaceutical tablets taken by 80% of the population isn’t medicine, its a pharmaceutical drug that numbs the receptors in the body and fools the brain into thinking its actually working..
I have a disease that one of those so called experts, a neurologist from New York told me I had multiple sclerosis and said if I didn’t take the prescribed drugs then I’d be in a wheelchair in 6 months..I didnt take them or any synthetic chemical.
I worked full time for six years before returning to England, I went through a multitude of stressful situations that lead to me returning.
As it is I honestly believe I’m beating the “incurable” hah!!! Yes I over extended myself and was over confident and fell damaging my knees, but I’ve had zero help from the doctor or physio so recovering has been a difficult and stressful time but it is happening.
The pharmaceutical giants… big pharma spend billions on creating drugs that treat symptoms, they have absolutely no intension of making a drug to cure a disease.
They have the money, resources and people, so why don’t they do it??

Because they make much more money treating symptoms…

I’m torn…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Back in the Nineties people in general.were reasonably switched on, but technology was advancing and surprising most, to the point of almost incredulity, but looking back now, what was accepted then as “cutting edge” appears relatively basic.
So the electronics industry is a world away now in relation to then.

Where am I going with this?
Okay, our understanding, our belief in foods, that misunderstood and often disregarded term “nutrition” … then and now are very, very different.
I am in a very difficult position because of what’s happening to me and what I thought I knew.
Firstly I must state with absolute certainty that the ABP works and that is a fact..
However I’ve had a bad 16 months because of a fall, I seriously damaged my knees which forced me to stay in bed. Damage to ligament, cartilage and tendon is not easily repaired as blood doesn’t actually flow in any of them, so being in bed as I’m sure you can imagine has resulted in significant muscle atrophy, in other words my thighs are nigh on useless.
So the progress I would have made on the ABP just didn’t happen, I’ll make this clear… that wasnt because of the protocol, it was simply the fact I couldn’t get out of bed to move around etc.
Now as is well known I started taking 500ml of organic Beetroot juice daily which is not ABP compliant…but the fact is that I’m having really good results..
Personally I don’t think new starters or those under 2 years into the “protocol” should take it..
When Goff Augustt told me about the Beetroot juice (brj) he also talked about removing all synthetics and chemicals plus certain foods, strict yes but not ABP strict, as it included some fruits and foods not on the protocol.
The dilemma I have is that after 5 weeks I feel great, actually better than I have for several years.
If I was asked by someone with MS I’d tell them to talk to Janet and follow the ABP exactly as its described, don’t deviate..
However, if I’m asked by an MS sufferer that’s been on the protocol for more than 2 years I’d say to do some research and make your own decision because I’m so surprised.
What I’m doing now is taking 250 ml brj daily at lunch and 2 x Beetroot capsules with my evening meal.
I know there’s lots of “evidence” about the possible negativities… but after 5 weeks all I’m seeing is serious positives..
As I have been told so many times its important to have an open mind, what was “told” to Ann Boroch back then was technically correct, but she ignored “correct” and “tried” something frowned upon by others “in the know” and that genuinely resulted in her healing her body.

As far as brj is concerned this isn’t me…I’m not breaking new ground in nutrition, I haven’t done endless nutritional research, I was told about this by someone that had had groundbreaking results..talk to Goff Augustt.
But what I did do is have an open mind, tried it myself and had results that have genuinely surprised and pleased me. I might be terribly wrong, I might find completely different results in a year or two.

What do I do?

Walk away from THJ, get thrown out as I’m not 100% compliant, and seeing a significant improvement with brj…
I’m torn…

I’d be lying…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I’d be lying…

Just over a month ago I was told about how someone had had the most incredible results by drinking 500ml of beetroot juice everyday, my initial response as I’m sure most people would have was something like, “Yeah right”…but after quite a lot of research I decided to give it a try…
Now I have to say, I haven’t walked away from the Ann Boroch Protocol because in my humble experience, the results had by myself and thousands, yes literally thousands of others has been amazing especially when considered to the prognosis of the world medical experts, maybe that classification should be adjusted to the financially rewarded medical experts. Hmmm I wonder where the financial incentive comes from?… could it possibly be from companies that benefit massively by keeping sick people taking drugs… nah!! Surely not!!..
Sarcasm aside…
The Ann Boroch Protocol works Fact.
So why would I look at something else…. 2 reasons, firstly because I was told it genuinely worked for Goff Augustt, I suggest you chat with him on here (FB) and secondly because I’m inquisitive.
I started as recommended by drinking 500ml per day and adding more fruit to my diet. I would say that I’m 95% ABP compliant and that’s unlikely to change but I have made other adjustments, now only 250ml with lunch and then 2 capsules of organic Beetroot (2800mg) in the evening.
Now regardless of others thoughts and research I’m going to percevere with what I’m doing, I can hear lots of voices screaming at me, no don’t do it.
But if I said I was feeling better, I’d be lying because I not.
I’m actually feeling a lot better…

Just depends on…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

When anyone is diagnosed with a serious illness its depressing to say the least, I know from my own personal point of view it was absolutely heartbreaking. I think because I’d been a reasonably fit and physically active man and then being told that everything would change, no more skydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, rock climbing mountain biking or flying a plane…yes they were all part of my life. I suppose just being active, going to the gym or road running and hiking in the mountains as I was living in Colorado at the time..
Okay, okay Stefan!!! The past is the past, no dwelling on what was…focus on what is and what can be done.
Now as far as I’m concerned having done a ton of research, I’ve read books and talked to many “experts” in the natural health arena, in my humble opinion the most relevant way of kicking the ass of multiple sclerosis is the Ann Boroch Protocol.
Now I want to explain and justify my current actions, I very rarely just accept someone’s word for anything described as “amazing or incredible”.
With the ABP I talked with Janet, I’d read and reread “Healing Multiple Sclerosis” before I jumped in and I must say without any doubt or hesitation that this is “The way”.
So now there’s a however… not a doubt, just a possible addition that, again in my humble opinion I’ve chosen to add primarily because of my knee damage last year and the restrictions it caused.
I’ve added 500ml of beetroot juice (brj) daily, I believe in my own personal situation being three years ten months on the protocol that at this point it will enhance my results, I think doing what I’m doing during the first two years would negate the hard work previously done, so don’t do what I’m doing…
The ABP is strict for a reason, its not that Ann or Janet (was or does) want others to suffer, it’s because doing it works.
So following and sticking to the protocol regardless of the taste buds yearning for caffeine, sugar, dairy and gluten or the limited and frustrating days, it Will work..
Achieving it is possible, it just depends on…
How much you want it…