
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I think the most obvious of thing in this world is the most and least considered, people in general will pay a lot of attention to what they consider the most important to them. Your kids in the main come top of the list, mothers tend to value their children more than anything and will often go without personally in order to provide and take care of their children. Obviously that level will depreciate a little over the years to some degree, but still, a child comes first. Again I’m only guessing and presuming, it’s not a fact. Men on the other hand probably think about and cherish their car or motorbike, their kids and spouse are obviously important but not necessarily at the top.

I talk about this because in reality the most important thing has to be where you live, no not your house but the physical thing you live in, you being the voice in your head, yes your body. People tend to ignore what is of paramount importance, if your body isn’t working properly then how can you look after the things you have been loving, your kids, your home, your car or bike. How can you go to work and earn a living if the most important thing is incapable. Even on a flight they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on first, how could you help others if you’re dead.

Ok so your body is a load of skin wrapped around a skeleton and lots of very essential organs, it’s fuelled by food, water and oxygen. An average person could live for 3 weeks without food, possibly three days without water, but did you know you could only survive 3 minutes without oxygen. The blood  in your body which on average is about 4.7 to 5.5 litres is made up of red and white blood cells, I’ll not go into a more detailed description just now but essentially the white cells are your immune system and red cell are the main transport system for nutrients, vitamins and oxygen in the form of oxyhemoglobin.

So a proven scientific fact, not just my opinion is that without oxygen we could survive 3 minutes give or take, so if you and every other person on earth knows that fact, why oh why is that fact ignored. Yes 99.999 % of people breathe naturally but a very large percentage put absolute crap into their bodies and limit its ability to function. Smoking clogs and restricts the lungs, sugary foods form triglycerides that become visceral fats that surround and decrease the organs efficiency that leads to disease and early death. The things we eat, no, not we because I don’t, but lots of people do eat foods and sweets and have drinks that have been laced with additives designed to give longer shelf life or fool the brain and taste buds into consuming more of the nutritionally bereft substance.

At the end of the day all that crap is of absolutely no use to your body, having good nutrition is massively more important. The manufacturers make foods that appeal to the masses regardless of the limitations it creates through bad health. People get fat and sick so big Pharma makes drugs that treat side effects, you don’t get slimmer or healthier you just get addicted and unhealthier.

As I said, oxygen is THE most important of all, stop taking it for granted and give your body, your organs, your blood and you a real chance of living.

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