
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

When I was told that I had multiple sclerosis in February 2004 by a well respected, well qualified neurologist at The Rose hospital in Denver, Colorado, I was shocked obviously, especially when he categorically stated that he knew, not just thought but knew that this hideous disease was incurable…. He attempted in that ” know it all and I’m so superior to you” attitude to pacify me, to break it to me gently that I would gradually become 100% dependent upon others, but I could slow the inevitable by taking the prescribed medication.
I’ve said before that I refused point blank there and then and never have taken any pharmaceutical drug, it’ll be 15 years in February next year since he told me that I’d be in a wheelchair permanently within six months if I didn’t take the medicine, hmmm, let me think about that, was he right ?… No, because I’m in a massively better condition than he stated I’d be in.
In reality those so called medical experts know what they were told to know…. Yes they went through years and years of training to achieve the qualification of Doctor or Neurologist, but in reality it was misguided, misinformation. During those years there wasn’t a six month period dedicated to nutrition, actually it wasn’t even five or four or even one, it wasn’t even a week, it was more like a couple of days, and the subject was so belittled it wasn’t taken seriously.
Prior to coming back to England in November 2012, I’d been the client service director for Dr Hal Huggins who at the time was the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing. I was fortunate enough to have met numerous doctors and specialists in the arena of Natural health and had discovered various ways of ridding the body of many so called incurable diseases. I personally met several people that were completely healed and at least four that had had cancer. So when reading “Healing multiple sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and then chatting with Janet Orchard I wasn’t sceptical or doubted her story, far from it… I was excited.
The world of western medicine, the allopathic medical professionals in my mind are either lying to themselves because they just want to keep being a “doctor” or they’re adopting the habits of a big flightless bird and being like an ostrich.

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