One of the…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

You are one of…

In todays world there are many so called incurable diseases, much more so than there was 50 or 60 years ago, and no its not because medical science is so much more advanced now than it was then although it is. In reality it’s because people are affected so much more by the never ending supply of taste enhancers, additives, preservatives and msg etc.
The human body is such an incredible
thing that’s been designed to function and even self heal in “normal” situations, but it’s having difficulties coping with so many of the unnatural substances that’s been added to about 95% of foods and drinks consumed on a daily basis.
So many people that are suffering with one of the so called incurable disease… Multiple Sclerosis will say after looking at a protocol that’s scientifically proven to beat MS that it’s too complicated or not a practical program to follow.
In reality the ABP isn’t difficult, it does require a change to your eating habits, but is that such a radical problem, the reality is No its not..
Think about it… we are talking about YOUR LIFE NOW.. is not eating the same foods as most others that hard.. no its not, okay yes it does require a change, an adjustment, but don’t think about the difficulties, focus on the rewards.
There are more than 2.2 million suffering with MS and I bet 2.199 have never heard of the Ann Boroch Protocol, so think about it, you do know and You have the opportunity to kick MS into touch, so my friend, in my book that makes you.
One of the Lucky ones…

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