They say…
Being diagnosed with a disease or more specifically a supposedly “incurable” disease like multiple sclerosis is, I can tell you from personal experience a daunting and heartbreaking description of how you life will end in a non specified period of time.
You aren’t told that you only have a very limited time to live, no, but you are told that you will slowly and surely lose the ability to use your limbs, as in your arms and hands won’t be able to function properly, your strength will fade and more dramatically you won’t be able to walk.
All very dramatic, but you’ll also be told of the wonderful medication that’s been developed by the drug companies.. I find it hard to give them the official description of “Pharmaceutical companies “…. they are just drug companies making addictive drugs that may…possibly easy one of the many symptoms of whatever classification of MS you have.
So, the neurologist will try to make you feel comfortable accepting his advice of how your very restricted and limited time on earth will be.
In their view you should just accept that the physical side of your life is “over”.. no more long walks or hours browsing your favourite shopping mall, or in my particular case, no skydiving, hang gliding, rock climbing, mountain biking, scuba diving or flying small aircraft as was my life prior to diagnosis.
I never accepted what the neurologist told me nor have I ever taken any disease modifying drugs, instead I personally searched for possible treatments or therapies or supplements that could Genuinely Help as opposed to masking a symptom. I worked fulltime for a further eight years after diagnosis, even though the neurologist told me I’d be in a wheelchair within six months if I didn’t take his drugs…
Ha !!!!
It was 13 years before I was lucky to learn of the Ann Boroch Protocol which has Genuinely given me hope for a return to what can be perceived as “Life” not just existing..
In my own particular case I just feel more motivated and inspired to persevere and try as hard physically to improve my strength, strange feeling really, just by mentally adjusting in your mind as to what could possibly happen if…. if certain things happen makes an amazing difference.
So, going back to the title of this post, the life you will, yes Will have has nothing to do with what “they say”…
It’s more specifically based on your own personal attitude, if you tell yourself that you can’t beat this hideous soul destroying disease, or if you motivate and inspire and tell yourself that you can and will overcome what is perceived to be impossible.
You’re right!!!