Not what it seems…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health
Not what it seems.
I am forever thinking about this hideous disease and if I’m fooling myself, am I doing the right thing and making any headway into overcoming it? no, not the right word, it’s not overcoming as that intimates the body still has it,but through one method or another I’m able to live even though it still lives in me. So overcoming isnt the correct verb. Beating it is more accurate, yes my aim, my goal is to beat this hideous, demoralising, frustrating, debilitating, life sucking mother F#####.. excuse my language..
As each day goes by and I try my best to adhere to the protocol especially from a diet, food intake standpoint, I fight to not get demoralised if, as it occasionally happens that I seem on the face of it to not be moving forward, not going backwards, but not obviously improving.
Being alone isn’t necessarily any easier as the “mind”… can imagine a multitude of negative reasons as to why certain things have or haven’t happened, there’s no one to bounce ideas off or get another opinion from. So I think, I justify and then make a decision.
I’m not in a unique position, I’m sure there are many other’s living through the same quandary, as I’ve progressed along this life changing journey, I incorporate foods that are not allowed during the first three months but are allowed in small doses later on. I believe I’m not cheating per se, but my body isnt happy about certain foods, as Janet clearly points out when following the ABP…diet is the key.
The physical exercises I’m doing are definitely helping, maybe I’m doing too much and too often… but I’m certainly going to revert back to my weekly 24 hr fast and eliminate certain only after 3 month food’s.
Getting back to the title of this post, I’m 100% confident that the Ann Boroch Protocol works and my physical and mental health is getting better. The negative impression I’ve had for a couple of days is because of slight changes I’d made and certainly not permanent, so…”clear my head, make the appropriate adjustments and move on”, because the negative is…
Not what it seems

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