Not sad or depressed..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


I was thinking about my situation today, at first the thoughts were not necessarily sad thoughts but they weren’t happy thoughts. I have what the doctors have told me is an incurable disease, it apparently is at stage 4, the point of no return meaning that there is no drug or medication to improve or significantly reduce the symptoms.

If I was the type of person that paid any attention to them then yes it would be a tad depressing. But I’m not one of those people/patients that believes them, if I was then I’d have to accept that my good days which are terrible are the best my life will be. That I’ll never be able to go outside and run again or I’ll never go hiking or driving a fast car or be intimate with a woman.

So if I look at my life so far and think that the last 17 years with MS hasn’t been good then should I be sad or upset or depressed ? Well no I don’t, I think how freaking lucky I am. I still have a fantastic mother, brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces (one very special one, Debbie).

I worked for an incredible man, Dr Hal Huggins in Colorado, I helped thousands of patients which I am so proud and fulfilled to have done.

I’ve been to 21 countries, I’ve travelled extensively though North America. I was in the Guinness book of records between 1989 and 1997. Skydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, rock climbing and flying are  just some of the things I’ve been very fortunate to do.

So the previous 17 years of my life have limited or restricted me, but I have so much to be grateful for and there is and will be so much more to do. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings and that my friends is not going to happen for a long time…

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