Not quite..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health


Well after four days of no boiler, no hot water and no heat I was excited or pleased at least that it was going to be rectified this morning. So I did my thing of getting up at 7.30 to turn the oven on leaving the door slightly open and starting the tiny portable heater the plumber had left which definitely took the damp chill out the flat. Brushing my teeth and washing in freezing water wasn’t nice but hey, I’ve had worse so no big deal.

I received a text from the boiler people telling me he’d be here about 9.0, traffic prevailing. So I did all I needed to do and waited his arrival. 9.10 and he was here, great, or so I thought until he said that there was only 56 volts of power getting to the boiler and not the 240 it needed. So after a couple of phone calls to the necessary people it was agreed by them, not me, to not do any work until the electrician fixed the supply. An hour after he left the electrician came and did some more testing then announced that there was 240 volts and the boiler guy had checked in the wrong place.

So now the boiler guy is coming back tomorrow morning and fingers crossed will get it sorted, so this means another day of oven warming and a cold wash in the a.m.

It’s lucky I’m a hardened scouser, you “southern Shandy swinging softies” would have no chance…. lol, just kidding.

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