Not normal.
As each day starts I tend to be more optimistic about my life, I’m probably far too optimistic than how other people looking at me think I should be. I mean looking from the outside, I’m sick and I’m always in pain and occasionally I fall, so why should I maintain my enthusiasm?
Well I suppose I see things differently than other people, I’ve said before that if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change… and that perspective is exactly how I am, it’s how I have to be. There’s no question in my mind that “Positivity rules” I just cannot accept defeat which is quite frankly the way the drug pushers masquerading as doctors think.
During the day as I’ve mentioned before, I’m constantly tired and in pain, a weakness that is sickening, constantly resides in my whole body. So doing an exercise, any exercise is totally exhausting but I know that not exercising will only help the diseased cells to spread and make the weakness worse, so each day as demoralizing as it is I try my hardest to do the exercises. A couple of days ago I said that I changed from doing 3 sets of 10 reps of press ups and a sort of leg press. I did this three times during the day, the change was to do a combination of both exercises and to continue to failure. Now obviously at the end I knew I’d be exhausted but I also felt that pushing myself was the only way to improve my strength. Yesterday I managed a set of 50 then a few hours later 55. Today I managed a set of 60 then was completely exhausted, two hours later I amazed myself to do a set of 70….Seventy….admittedly I couldn’t get up off the floor for 15 minutes but I did 70….OMG I’m not normal….
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