Not in their best interests …

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I’ll start this post by saying that this is my opinion, one that has been formed through research, experience, fact and common sense…
The majority of people have views and opinions, and everyone has a right to have one, but in most cases, not everyone, but most, that opinion has been formed through doctors visits and advertising…. its not Fact… its been formulated by companies with a hidden agenda…

The Hippocratic Oath, is long and demands those trained as doctors do the right thing ethically and morally…but essentially the vow taken is: Do no harm….

So seeing a doctor because you have an ache or pain or “symptoms “… you’d expect that your treatment would essentially be to heal you.

Sadly the medical profession is now dominated by the pharmaceutical giants who in reality are interested in one thing, profit…

You arent “their patient”… indirectly and directly you are just a customer… a way of making more money.
About ten years ago when I was a director in Dr Hal Huggins organisation, I read an article that included text from a internal memo within one of the pharmaceutical giants that stated..yes stated that their intention was to have every American taking at least one pharmaceutical drug everyday within the next 20 years, so only ten more years before I have no doubt they will succeed..

They go about their business, a very lucrative business in a very clever way, well its clever from their point of view, but devious in all others. They use the media to promote themselves as knights in shing armour working tirelessly on behalf of mankind..(men, women and children of every race, creed and colour) , said in case some might take offence or misunderstand…
As i said earlier, its not done to make the world a healthier place, its simply to make billions in profit. They have no intension of eradicating disease, they simply want to solidify their financial future.
Whats happened is because of advertising, the media and sponsorship, the intermediate stages between them and us are financially encouraged and manipulated into promoting a drug… I had a telephone appointment with my local doctor a few days ago, during the conversation I was asked if I would take a prescription medication for my sciatica, I hate using that word, because it’s not medicine, its an addictive drug administered to address a symptom. Anyway I replied to the doctor these precise words “you and I both know that drugs treat symptoms”… his response was yes..
So why are the pharmaceutical giants not forced to conduct their business while conforming to the “Hippocratic Oath”.. simply because its not in their best interests…


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