Everything in the body is made of Proteins…dont misunderstand that, I said Proteins not protein..there are various classifications of foods we all know about, protein, carbohydrates and lipids (fats) but being healthy is not simply a case of just eating protein. Yes there are fewer calories in protein than carbs or lipids, but they also provide much needed nutrition for the body.
I said everything, meaning the organs glands, bones, muscle and connective tissue such as ligaments etc which are constructed by the body when possible from the necessary proteins. I said that the proteins required aren’t simply portions of the protein rich foods we’ve eaten, or not..these proteins are very specific and as everything else is, are made internally from amino acids..
I’m trying my best here to describe an extremely complex function in an easily understandable way, so please just bear with me.
There are 22 amino acids but only 14 can be provided by the foods eaten, the other 8 are extremely special and identified as Essential…. they are differentiated when written by having an L before its specific name. It won’t help by naming them, just know that an amino acid with an L.before it is essential
Anyway, if we could provide the essential amino acids, surely the body would have what it needed to rebuild and repair any particular component in needs. Sadly the answer to that question is no, not exactly because those 8 essential amino acids or EAA’s, need to be in specific proportion to each other.
Let me try to explain in another way….
What have matchsticks, chairs, tables, log cabins and some ocean going yachts have in common? Yes they are all made out of wood, but you wouldn’t try to make a log cabin out of matchsticks would you… although they are all made from wood, its different quality and quantity. The same basic rule applies to EAA’s and what they form as Proteins on route to the reqired need of the body.
This post is basically in regard to the accident I had at the beginning of March. I had been doing really well on the Ann Boroch Protocol and feeling great in my quest to heal my body of multiple sclerosis. To a certain extent I was getting a bit over confident and did more physically than I should have.. consequently the following fall has put my progress back by 9 months. But I honestly believe what I’m now doing is changing that.
I came across some very detailed information regarding not just amino acids or branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) or EAA’s but Perfect Amino Acids..
Perfect because a 70 year old doctor who compete’s in Iron-man triathlons created them and have a 99% amino acid utilisation, that is quite amazing knowing that eggs have only 47% and that’s more than any other foodstuff.
So my thoughts are that taking them will naturally rebuild my damaged cartilage and help the thigh muscle in both legs.
The posts I write are for two main reasons, I want to document what I’m doing with the ABP and the progress I’m making and to hopefully motivate and inspire others on this journey.
So have my 3 years and 4 months on the protocol healed me of multiple sclerosis …
No not yet, but I’m very optimistic…