Well admitting defeat is a problem for most men but in this case, I’m referring to the H2O2 now it’s a little frustrating but as i’ve said before I have to be my own guinea pig when it comes to trying potential “cures” for this crappy disease.
I’m sure there are many people that follow the program exactly and have great results but in my case it was just too much.
When I originally tried it in 2009 I was able to get all the way up to 25 drops 3 times per day the back down to 3 drops. The main problem for me was timing, I was often in my office at 7.30 am and back home by 6.30pm, so eating my meals at the correct intervals was very difficult to attain.
I remember discussing the program with my employer Dr.Huggins who expressed his doubt about the efficacy, he tried one drop in 8 ozs of water and experienced severe pain similar to the pain I had at 20 drops. So now looking back I can clearly see that it’s fine for some people but not others.
I think in my own case I’m physically in a much worse condition at this time in comparison to then. The H2O2 caused far more discomfort now than it did then. So I’m admitting defeat in this case although I’ve positive thoughts when it comes to magnesium chloride an sphingolin myelin basic protein.
I’ve no problems about taking these things so I’ll remain positive and see how it goes. I have a doctor’s appointment on Thursday and I’ll ask if I can have a blood test, a CBC is a complete blood count which will give me a far better understanding of how my body is reacting to the various protocols I’ve been using since returning to England.
It felt really good this to wake up then just drink water and have a protein shake for breakfast, it almost felt that I was cheating by not drinking the H2O2, but I’ve stopped so no feeling guilty just positive.
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