No, it just means…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

No!!! It just means…

Firstly I have to say that in life, we all have to have an open mind…
None of us know everything!!!
When the medical fraternity say that from their experience that a particular disease is incurable, does that mean it is incurable?
It just means that they have been told by the pharmaceutical giants that its incurable.
Does That mean it’s incurable?
It just means that from their point of view it’s not financially viable to find a cure..
They probably could invent a “fix all pill” but in reality they can make much more profit by adding customers for however long their life will be.
Think about it?
When Ann Boroch was diagnosed with MS, there wasn’t a FIX ALL PILL, there still isn’t!!!
What she did was painstakingly research to find specifically what was causing the problems that cumatively are bunched together and called multiple sclerosis. She then set about creating what is now known as the Ann Boroch Protocol.
It doesn’t happen overnight.
But it does happen.
Buying the book, studying what she said.
Following the protocol correctly, and then after 4 or 5 years multiple sclerosis will not be a problem in your body.
There’s no “quick fix “, it just means that You will help your body to Heal itself…

Every act of kindness, regardless how small, is always very much appreciated, thank you..

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