Never ending challenge.
With the new daily exercises I think that I’m very slowly getting stronger, does that make sense? Anyway what I mean is that at the start of each new day I am feeling more stable and a little stronger. It’s very difficult to quantify but after each group of exercises and again I pushed myself to 70 on the second set, my first this morning was 50, yes I’m very weak at the end but 10 minutes later I feel really good. No the results aren’t as good as my mate Tony J after an Insanity workout but it does feel good.
I’m in a frustrating and confusing place as I cool down then get quite cold so I put a fleece top on to stop my shivers, good for an hour or so to get back to normal. The frustrating and confusing part is that there is a very fine line between me feeling comfortable and just going over the tipping point. As I pass over this point I become frighteningly weak, so much so that standing and trying to get to the loo almost in desperation is extremely difficult. I’m learning everyday, I’m always searching and researching for possibilities that can help but at this time, this is a never ending challenge and it’s hard…….
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