My view..
Well I’m just two weeks away from reaching the anniversary of my first year following the Ann Boroch Protocol, obviously the guide suggests complete healing in four years, I’ll clarify that by saying, it’s a guide, an estimation not a promise or guarantee, and that is based on the person adhering to the protocol. The ABP is the strictest of the strict, if one strays and deviates it isn’t all over but it will mean taking a few steps back in terms of the progress you’d made and getting back on track… I’m sure we all make mistakes, errors of judgement, succumbing to that evil thing…. temptation, it’ll happen and as long as we learn from them and resolve to not give in to that nagging voice telling us it’s ok to stray, then we’re good.
I’d like to say that I’ve been perfect, and I’d not been weak or strayed…. I’d like to say that, but I can’t because that selfish unforgiving demon has taken over two or three times and I’ve suffered because of it, the frustrating thing is that I’ve known it’s wrong, but there’s been part of me that’s provided a compelling argument and justified why I wasn’t “really straying” and it surely couldn’t be that bad…. DUH!!!!!…. I’m reasonably intelligent, I know a fair amount about nutrition, I know lots about safe dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing after working with Dr Hal Huggins. But, and it’s a big but, is that I only know what’s been written by Ann Boroch, not the millions of things she didn’t write in her books, so in reality as long as I follow the plan, the proven, tried and tested protocol, I’ll be in safe hands.
So as far as following the protocol is concerned, yes it’s been hard, yes I’ve made mistakes, yes I’ve struggled on occasions, but has it been doable? and will it be worth it long term….. in my view…Absolutely….100% yes…