My Quest…part 4..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

To date I’ve tried several different protocol’s and supplement’s always believing that I’ll find something that would prove the so called medical experts are wrong about their prognosis of MS being incurable. I firmly believe I am right in maintaining my attitude that MS is curable and it’s just a case of trying to find the right supplement or protocol or combination of them to rid my body of this debilitating degenerative disease.I dream of living a normal life, getting in the car and going for a nice drive in the country, hiking and going to a nice pub and having a pint and ploughmans. Flying again, skydiving again and being in a position to have a loving relationship again.


About a month ago I stumbled upon an article on bovine myelin which really interested me. “medical experts” have deemed multiple sclerosis as an incurable disease. OK these people are leaders in medical research so they must be right, mustn’t they?

Since I was diagnosed in 04 I’ve always had doubts about the “Incurable” part of their prognosis, it seems that there are two very different camps, polar opposites in fact. One group, the side I am in lives in hope that a cure can be found, it will be found. The other camp lives in the land of negativity, they have been battered into believing they will never get better.They will slowly move from bad to worse, this depressive attitude is perpetuated by doctors who know nothing about true healing per se, they themselves have been brainwashed by the multi bazzillionaires known as “Big pharma” who have openly stated that by 2020 they want every American to be taking at least one drug.


I came across a book called Reversing Multiple Sclerosis by Celeste Pepe, D,C.,  N.D. she cured herself and states the 9 different things she did to achieve true healing. Most of what she did I know of, I’d used several of the methods she talks about. The book was written more than 20 years ago and several of the protocols have advanced significantly. She talks about a dental revision and body chemistry re-balancing with Drs Huggins and Levy. I was very frustrated by mistakes she made after the treatment, after working for him for many years and advising more than 17,000 patients I know of what should and shouldn’t be done. The cardinal errors she made definitely hindered the healing process, however, she did heal so I’m in no place to criticise, I think Celeste was in a far more favorable position than 99.9% of MS sufferers, she had a loving partner (some of the time) she lived on a ranch in California and was quite affluent.

One of the 9 things was Sphingolin Myelin Basic Protein, a natural substance harvested from the spinal cord of New Zealand cattle.

The explanation of what happens to MS patients is that the immune system is mistaken and attacks the myelin sheath around the nerves surrounding the brain. The myelin ( think of it as insulating tape) is worn away resulting in bare nerves making it harder and harder for the Central Nervous System (CNS) to function correctly.

Her explanation which makes complete sense to me is this, the sphingolin or bovine myelin lures the immune system to attack it instead of the myelin around the brain. What isn’t attacked finds its way to replace the damaged myelin. As I said this makes sense to me and sounds totally feasible..

I searched for this product and found it on Amazon, I was about to order it but the saw a caveat stating it wasn’t available in the UK, damn.. but I also found the exact same product on ebay and it was available here. I have been using it for a month, it lists 2 tablets daily to start, I’m taking 2 in the morning and another 1 with lunch. I am definitely noticing improvements in my balance. I’m going to increase the dose to 4 caps for a week then up again to 6. There was 240 caps in the bottle so I’m about halfway through so I’ll order another 240 tomorrow.

In my haste to explain all I’ve done I completely missed a very significant part that happened in 2011 shortly after I lost my job which I’ll tell tomorrow when I have fingers and hands instead of numb bits attached to my arms…


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