My Quest..part 2..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

A month later I’d done everything necessary in preparation for my dentisty, i’d bought my flights and booked the motel for 5 days.. on the Tuesday after work I set off to Denver to catch the flight to Scranton via Pittsburg. Dr Grube collected me from the airport and took me to her clinic where Beckie her assistant was waiting to do some last minute preparations for my Wednesday session.

My first session lasted 5 hours which is twice as long as a regular dental appointment would normally last, but Dr Grube used Conscious Sedation which is sometimes called Sleep dentistry.Needless to say the dental work was quite extensive, the second session was on Friday and also lasted 5 hours….phew 10 hours over 2 days.

That night I was in the motel, alone obviously and as you can imagine after such extreme dentistry I was in quite a bit of pain as the anesthesia wore off. I seemed to be awake all night constantly getting more ice for my makeshift ice pack for my swollen face, but I coped although I did feel quite isolated and lonely being thousands of mile from my family.

After a week back at work in Colorado the discomfort had gone and all I was focussed on was when I’d be healthy again. There was an improvement but nothing like I’d expected and hoped for. Doc told me to be patient and rest as much as possible when I went home after work, he explained that my immune system was working overtime as so many toxins and mercury had been released by the dental work, he emphasized that I couldn’t do anything physical, no exercise for at least three months. I complied…..nearly for three month’s, probably two months and two weeks before I rode on my exercise bike.

At first I limited each ride to two miles and gradually increased it to five the ten miles each day. I felt good, my recovery times were getting shorter as each day went by. Dr Chris Shade of Quicksilver Scientific gave me a product he’d invented called IMD or Intestinal Metal Detox. After two days my rides went from five miles to ten miles so I was feeling really good.

In some ways I was disappointed because although I was not getting worse and my MS episodes were less frequent I didn’t feel I was getting better significantly. Maybe I was just impatient and that could have been down to the fact I was in a stressful job and worked long hours. My good friend Carolyn (BFF) would always be researching for doc and occasionally came to me with ideas which in the main were good and I’d try

Over the next two years I’d tried several off the wall supplements but none gave me the improvements I was praying for.

2012 and I returned to England because my health had deteriorated, I’m confident that the supplemental regimen I’ve stuck with and the various protocols I’ve used have helped a great deal. If I’d not done and do what I do I believe I’d be a great deal worse than I am. The fact that my MS “episodes” still knock me back I believe were influenced by loosing my job and being so stressed  which exacerbated the disease.

Since returning I’ve been fortunate in many ways and able to explore a few more potentials which I’ll cover tomorrow.


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