Over the past 5 years as things gradually got worse and the effects of what “they” say is an incurable disease my goal, no my quest in life hasn’t been to have a better, faster car or bigger nicer more comfortable house it’s been to try and find a cure for my MS.
This hideous disease is just that…. hideous, I’m in pain 24 hours a day, I find it difficult to walk, actually it’s impossible unless I have a wall or furniture to lean on.So I can’t transfer food or drinks about the flat unless it’s moved from worktop to worktop to chair but I’ve got a routine and it works. The pain and discomfort has been with me for 14 years so it’s part of my life and I just accept it.
I’m not saying this because I want you to feel sorry for me because I don’t, I want to be treated like anyone else, ok it help’s when my limitations are understood and taken into consideration. The people I see most of are my fantastic niece Debbie, my beautiful sister Suzie and the best mum anyone could want. They are just on the plus side of fantastic so I’m blessed, I’m amazingly lucky to have them in my life.
So going back to my quest… I worked for Dr, Hal Huggins, what he has done for humanity will be remembered as someone not known by the masses but revered by those that knew him or knew of him. Being so close to the man, he was/is also a grumpy cantankerous selfish man but I learnt a great deal because of him.
He cured himself of MS, or should I say his MS wasn’t visible normally providing he took his supplements daily, his very worst day was a damn site better than my very best day. So the continued attempts by me to reverse MS really started here.
Initially body chemistry re-balancing which was doc’s speciality was the first in-depth look at the reason’s why I was suffering and how to correct the imbalances in my blood. There are 34 components of the blood we’d look at. There are lot’s more but through his research and his forerunners Weston A Price and Melvin Page ,these 34 were critical in restoring health.
The next and even more important was to correct the damage done by dentist’s, I know all dentist’s believe they are helping by filling and removing teeth, or replacing teeth with root canals and implant’s but they aren’t helping at all. In fact dentist’s are causing so many problems with their patients health. If you read up on Weston A Price you’ll learn so much it will scare the pants off you.
A full dental revision was the way Huggins had changed the lives of hundreds of people, initially it was doc that did the dental work but because it flew in the face of traditional dentistry and his outspoken way’s had caused major upsets with the powers that be. The ADA, State board and the instrumental and very influential pharmaceutical industry he lost his licence to practice.
This didn’t change his desire to prove them wrong so fortunately an alliance of trained by Huggins dentists still exist, A list of names and contact details is on this site.
Anyway I made enquiries with the two best. Dr Blanche Grube in Scranton, PA. and Dr Stuart Nunnally in Marble Falls, TX.. Over the previous fiscal year I’d sent patients to Dr Nunnally that generated in excess of $800,000 and for Dr Grube more than $350,000 so I hoped they’d take this into consideration when quoting me for the work. I knew it was going to be expensive but I’d just have to get a bank loan. I had the xrays and sent them off to Dr Nunnally. A few days later I got a call from Cassie at Dr Nunnally’s office and was told my dentistry would be $26,000 and that was after a 30% discount. Needless to say I knew this would have to wait.
A month later doc had a new dentist seminar, he would take the majority of time over the two days but Dr Grube had a half day session, I just did the initial hosting and greeting and a 30 minute session on the benefits of the Huggins Recovery Program.
At the end of the second day I was in the lift (elevator) with Drs Grube and Medina when Dr Grube asked if I was going to have the full dental revision. I smiled and explained it would have to wait although it was very important to me.
Dr Grube asked why? I then told her I had MS, the look on her face was a classic shocked and surprised mouth wide open and eyebrows touching her hairline glare at me. She had no idea which showed how well my natural supplements through docs body chemistry re-balancing was working…. The doors opened but no one moved, she then said “you are coming to Scranton”, I said I’d love to but I just can’t afford it now. She then said “ No, you ARE coming to Scranton, don’t worry about the money”.
At this point my eyes filled with tears and I hugged her like I was seeing my mum after 10 years.
This has taken nearly two hours of one digit typing so I’ll stop now and continue tomorrow,,
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