My day..?

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I sometimes wonder  about the life I have now and if it’s all worthwhile, I mean a day is a day is a day to me. The differences tend to be primarily based on that I have to eat and what I watch on telly. So that being the case is what I do worth the frustration, the pain, the difficulty and hardship of being alive? Well before anyone jumps to what may seem as the obvious conclusion, Damn right it is.

Yes most days are fundamentally the same, but everyday to me is a challenge, a challenge to a half German scouser is like nothing else but a chest bumping slap in the face…. There is no way on earth that I could back down from that, never, never insult a lad brought up on the tough side of Liverpool. I am one of seven kids, I lived the first eleven years of my life in a 2 up, 2 down terraced house with an outside loo. We as a family struggled financially but my dad worked nights driving a truck, my mum did everything and more to put food on the table, actually we never had a table to sit around, it was plate on the lap for us. But I loved my childhood and at 61 I still love my incredible mum.

My life is difficult, waking up always brings a smile to my face because I know it brings another challenge, and I say to myself, “Yes another opportunity to beat this”, you never know, this could be the day, this could be My Day..

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