My concerns..
Since starting two months ago I was surprised that the changes necessary for me to follow the ABP were actually not difficult to adapt to as in all honesty there wasn’t that many, it wasn’t a case of adding lots of new foods it was mainly eliminating a few. I am gluten intolerant so the restrictions here were minimal, dairy was already a no, no for me so again not a problem. When I had baked beans which was probably two or three times per week I always drained to sauce first as most of the sugar was in that, so yes I miss my beans on toast. I also loved tomatoes and mushrooms which have now been eliminated. As far as supplements were concerned I think I use the best quality already so I just had to add digestive enzymes, adrenal support and Candida Cleanse, no big deal adding them. So there are a few foods, some treats I miss but in reality how I feel overall by not having them is infinitely better than how I felt having them. The changes I’m making, the improvements I’m having and the absolute certainty in my mind about the fact I am being cured is so freaking wonderful. The title of this post is My Concerns… hmmmm …..oh yes there’s……. none.
Remember I’ve said before that me writing a post is mainly for my own motivation and inspiration.