Money talks…
The prevalence of multiple sclerosis is greater for people living further from the equator.. according to documented statistics…at this time the experts can’t find a reason for this and as the the medical world refuse to accept it has anything to do with food or what is put into the body it appears there’s no solution on the horizon. Globally there are estimated to be around 2.3 million people with MS… roughly 1 million are in the U.S. and 100,000 in the UK… there are 200 new cases each week or 9,600 each year in the States and 5,000 in the UK…So considering the population of America is nearly 6 times that of the UK, there’s a greater chance of getting it here.
What I personally find strange is that we are often being informed of the millions that are annually being put into research… hmmm.. weird really, are the “so called researcher’s” actually looking for a cause? or are they looking to create pharmaceutical methods to pacify some of the many symptoms and enabling sufferers to “manage” life.
Multiple Sclerosis is the most common neurological disease in the world and as such is an incredible profit generator for these people, so from their point of view there’s absolutely no reason whatsoever in looking for cures to this or in fact any disease. This is why they spend billions….billions globally in advertising, in promoting themselves as pioneers in healthcare…Ha!!!!!.
I know for a fact… that there is a way of healing the body of multiple sclerosis, I know this because I’m doing it myself….now, I’m less than two years into a four year protocol, I’m not paying anyone to do this, I’m not generating profits for others, I bought a book, I spent about £12 on it… I follow a dietary program and take natural supplements and I’m getting better.
How is it that myself and thousands of others before me can “heal” without taking long term debilitating disease modifying drugs !!! because we haven’t been conned or brainwashed…we have faith, we believe in the truth, truth as in what is real, not what “they” want you believe…..the fact is if you give your body what it needs, what it’s crying out for, it will heal itself, we know this but the doctors still don’t….why? because it’s not in the best financial interest of big pharma, and as we all know….money talks.