Sadly, primarily because of the crap thats been added to foodstuffs these days, such as additives, preservatives, GMO’s and others that improve shelf life and the taste enhansers to make you want more, the health of mankind in the western world has become less important to growers and makers of our daily nutritional need. This improves profitability for them and the pharmaceutical industry as some people look for temporary ways to ease the nasty symptoms caused my the crap that they’ve eaten, so they take drugs…
I’ve heard so many people say things like….. “I know its not good for my health, but I’ve got to have some tasty things because I really love them”…. thats monosodium glutamate talking…
Your taste buds are a natural part of your body, they tell you personally if you like it or not.
They don’t tell you if its good for you or not….
But as I said, with the use of synthetic, chemical and completely alien additives, some manufacturers have over ridden our natural safe guards to fool and convince our minds into eating more and more of their shite…. excuse my language…sorry.
When this happens, so many people ignore the information being clearly shown to them and instead of not having them anymore they just take a pill which eases the symptom.
The symptom maybe pain or discomfort or muscle loss or weakness or weight gain..
But this is your body telling you that something you’re doing or eating or drinking isn’t right, its not good for you… ignoring them won’t help you live a better and longer and healthier life, it just puts more money into the pockets of the people that Don’t care about anything but their own profits.
Lots of people refuse to face facts and maintain that the taste of things are more important than the damage being caused, thats an addiction….
Sugar is more addictive than heroin, just because some foods don’t taste sweet doesnt mean that sugar or one of the 50 plus variations are not in it, look at the label, just about anything ending in “ose” is sugar.
Getting back to discomfort and pain.. they are messages from Your body…
Don’t shoot the messenger..