I was chatting with my niece on Tuesday about life, it’s setbacks, it’s challenges and rewards. We both agreed about something that could be looked at in a negative way although we both saw it as a major positive. We agreed that I’m slightly weird if that’s possible, I mean you either are or aren’t weird so I suppose I’m weird in a good way of course. We came to this conclusion because of the things that have happened to me over the course of my existence so far. Not something I’m proud of but in 1997 I went to jail, actually a category B prison where lots of serious criminals go to. Was I a really bad person? I don’t think so, it was because I fell behind on my maintenance payments, I’d been made redundant, had no job and thought keeping a roof over my head was slightly more important than paying maintenance to my ex wife that owned two houses with no mortgage. So because Bedford Nick was close and had space I was sent there, because of the law it was a Civil offence not a criminal offence so I don’t have a criminal record which means I’m not a real crim.
Back to my weirdness, yes I have a so called incurable disease but I don’t see this as a really bad thing, I see every day I wake up as another opportunity. A chance to prove I’m right in my reasoning, another opportunity to eat some more yummy sugar free chocolate, read another book, watch some good TV and listen to music. I’ve done hundreds of skydives, I was a scuba diver, mountain biker, rock climber, I’ve got my PPL and started my CHPL. I’ve been to 23 countries, lived in the USA for nearly eleven years. Yes there have been some crappy things happen to me but all the good stuff seriously outweighs the bad, so looking at life so far I’m happy.
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