Living is…

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Living is…

Being diagnosed with any disease is a horribly depressing thing to hear, but when the doctor or neurologist or whatever medical expert tells you that the disease is incurable, its only natural that you will feel that the little life you have left is going to be filled with pain, frustration and despondency so what’s the point in anything.
I know back in February 2004 when I was diagnosed and told that my only option was to take Dmd’s to help ease the pain you can imagine the shocked look on neurologist face when I refused to take any drugs and told him that I’d tackle it on my own…
Unsurprisingly he called me an idiot…. he actually became red faced and used  much stronger words, but he was a very experienced neurologist from New York.
As I’ve said before I continued working full-time for a further 7 years before returning to England.
About 5 years after that and numerous attempts to rid myself of MS, unsuccessfully, I heard about Ann Boroch and the protocol she developed to heal known as the Ann Boroch Protocol  (ABP) which I’ve been using.
The protocol is primarily based on eliminating certain food groups from consumption and adding specific supplements which over time will heal the organs in the body.
Obviously it’s a plan that should be followed meticulously, it’s not as simple or basic as “one  size fits all” because every person’s inner workings are different, our age, gender, how long we’ve had MS,  our mental state, attitude, location and a million other things come into play here, so it’s not practical to put a definitive time scale on actual healing, but it will happen in time, so following the protocol requires determination and commitment.
Over the years since starting on the ABP  I definitely experienced days in the first few months that I seriously doubted my decision and myself but as the months became years and the multiple symptoms lessened to the point that the only obvious symptom is weakness in my legs, my attitude is very different.
However….  because of a fall in March last year resulting in serious knee damage and being bedbound since, I’ve not been able to do what I would have been able to do.
Now I’m not superhuman, I try and try to motivate and encourage myself, I live alone, my sister comes over in the morning and opens the blinds and chats for 30 or 40 minute, my carers come for an hour at 11 then again at 6.15 for 30 mins but apart from that it’s just me, I’m sitting in the same position in bed for 23.5 hours everyday, for 23 months and I only sleep for 3 or 4 hours at night.
So it’s hasn’t been easy, there has been numerous issues with my benefits and having to pay hundreds of pounds every month towards my care. I live in a one bedroom house with ONE radiator but have paid over £5,350 for electricity for 26 months, I’ve begged and begged the supplier to make a physical check to prove the power is not being used by me but THEY know best, according to them.
Maybe you can understand that staying positive and optimistic during those times has been hard, on top of that I’ve lost my true love… but… but I’m going to win this battle regardless of the doubters around me, they all want me to heal and they believe that I believe I will do it.
I know they all are hoping it will happen but I can see the doubts in their eyes.

Following a tried, tested and PROVEN protocol to heal from what the worlds medical experts say is incurable doesn’t happen overnight, its a long hard road to travel, the road is full of pot holes, twists and turns, we will struggle, our energy and enthusiasm will fade but we have to believe, life is worth more than all the pain, frustration, humiliation and heartache.
Giving up is easy.
Winning is hard..but in my opinion…

Living !!!! is worth fighting for…

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