
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I was chatting to one of my carers the other day, which I’m very lucky to be able to do as two of them I think of as “friends” not just people that are paid to come and help, Donna and Kay are the two that most frequently come, they’re my “mates”, we always chat and have friendly banter….. see, there I go again digressing from my original point. We were chatting about how I’m feeling, obviously they never refer to anyone specifically that they look after but in general they comment about my general condition and demeanour in comparison to other MS sufferers. Just about everyone else apart from one I believe is on what I consider to be serious MS drugs, whereas I don’t take any. I’m fairly confident that they believe, as I do that I will beat this hideous disease and actually “live” again as opposed to existing…. big difference…. in one of our talks I was referring to how lucky I am, yes I’ve got MS and have had to cope for more than fifteen years, that’s a big chunk of life… just under a quarter of the time I’ve been alive but considering all I’ve done in the time prior to MS, that period has denied me a great deal of true living… I could be bitter about it, I could feel depressed and hard done by, but I don’t at all… as I mentioned the other day there’s over 100,000 in this country have it and over 2.3 million worldwide…. two point three million!!!! Of that huge number of sufferers I’m one of a very small percentage that are so lucky, why? because we’re following the Ann Boroch Protocol and contrary to what they and all, yes All the medical professionals think, myself and the other AB-ers are on a four year journey to health, that isn’t just some misguided opinion, we aren’t living in a dreamworld, far from it, this is something we KNOW…

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