Keep asking…..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Keep asking…..
I think in life we all face problems, and when they appear to be insurmountable then most people will just accept it… what’s the point in beating yourself up when there’s simply no answer, no alternative solution on the face of it. Those problems are not your average everyday issues because those are dealt with, they are problems but we spend a little time and find an acceptable answer, they may have taken an hour or two or even a couple of days but when left to our infinitely more powerful subconscious mind the answer just appears out of the blue.
In my humble opinion, and I know enough to know I don’t know everything, I think about the issue, it might be a physical, financial, emotional or health problem, I ask questions of myself… how can I fix this or that? is it possible to correct something that’s wrong, my thoughts, my health… whatever… then I just leave it to it…. “It” being my subconscious mind that will continue to search for an answer while I’m reading a book, watching tv, meditating or sleeping.
In my opinion nothing is insurmountable, the solution is there, I’m just not aware of it now… there’s never a case of “I’ve tried everything”… it’s only a case of “I just don’t know… yet”… As I said, in my opinion, important issues are just that…. too important to just accept defeat and lay down, giving in is not an option……
People… friends…. family… doctors… scientists, don’t know everything…. never give up….
Keep asking questions…

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