Again…my opinion..
Seeing the TV commercials emphasising how important it is to open windows to create a throughput of air in the house, regardless of a couple of people or a gathering of many is obviously brilliant and extremely effective advice.
If one or more people have coronavirus with or without symptoms, there isn’t a think black cloud accumulating as depicted on TV.. it’s a microscopic mist which will be easily dissipated with constant fresh air.
No, applying the same logic and in my opinion….Common Sense to this issue…
Why oh why… wear stupid masks that do no more than compound the problem for the wearer all that’s happening is the person is constantly compounding the problem by keeping and recycling the virus inside themselves making it multiple times worse.
I really fail to understand why anyone with an ounce of intelligence cannot see that.
No wonder there is a requirement to have jab after jab after jab.
If you breath in the virus, it’s initially in your lungs, Get it out!!!! Don’t help it by letting it develope and multiply compounding the problem in your body..
I’m 66 yrs old with a severely compromised immune system as I have MS…I’ve had coronavirus twice… and completely eliminated it from my body..
Could it have been the booster jab? No because I haven’t had one..
Maybe it was the second? Again No…didn’t have that either.
Surely it must have been the initial No…
No jabs…ever and no MS medication ever, no freaking pharmaceutical drugs period.
Am I just lucky, a one off anomaly. No I am just someone that doesn’t believe in that shite..sorry for my language.
I do take Lipospheric Vitamin C which has been scientifically proven to kill all known virus including corona virus.
The medical professionals and governments around the world have been completely brainwashed by big pharma…
The jabs are worth billions and billions to the pharmaceutical industry, the coronavirus will go if people stop having injections of drugs that treat symptoms and kill the virus once and for all with Lipospheric Vitamin C.
Who am I?
I’m not a scientist or doctor but I do have a background in natural medicine, oh and I was a director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.
This article is just my opinion…