Just different

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Just different…

When I look back at the life I’ve lead so far, I want to make this very clear, by saying this please don’t get the misunderstanding that I’m done, because I believe 100% that I’m far from over and have lots more to do.
I’m very proud of my achievements and genuinely believe that when my time is up, which isn’t going to happen for at least another twenty years or so, I’ll truly be able to hold my head up high and know I’ve done something good and made a difference by helping others.
Over the past 21 years, I’ve had a disease that most people believe because they’ve been told that it’s incurable.
But I know for a fact that it’s not, millions, actually over 2.5 million people to date have received that depressing news from a neurologist.
I’ve never taken any pharmaceutical drugs for it, I’ve just constantly looked for possibilities…. of course, some have done nothing other that drain my bank account, but two in particular have made massive differences positively, the Ann Boroch Protocol… ABP..
And Hekma in Israel.

– Hekma Center, Jerusalem, Almeskah St. 1, Zip. 30026, Po.Box 528

Anyway, as I said, in my opinion, I feel it’s important to actually live as opposed to existing, which is what almost every nurse, doctor, and medical practitioner seems to encourage.

So looking at some of my achievements, I think having been in the Guiness Book of Records between 1989 and 1997, not because of the number of skydives I’ve done, 834, because that’s nothing in comparison to some jumpers, it was the 60 way relative work formation which has been trounced since.
I got my PPL in 43 hours, I was a SCUBA diver, Hang glider, mountain biker and I was a rock climber, and I passed my motorcycle test first time as well as car tedt and  HGV 1 and was the Client Service Director for the world leading authority in biological dentistry and body chemistry rebalancing.
I have a PhD. in Nutrition and Health. Which took eight and a half years.
I’ve written and published six books.
There have been numerous other things that I’m proud of and lots more to come, so does this lot make me better than anyone else….NO!!!
I’m not 7 I know…
I’m Different…

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