Just Different…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized
  1. Just different.

    All of my life I think I’ve had a different perspective to most people, I think I’ve seen myself in a sort of special way, admittedly there’s been a part of me that has loved happy endings as do a lot of people. But its the hero that didn’t consider him or her self to be a hero but overcomes adversity and wins against all odds that I’ve related to more than anything else.
    I’m not a brave man or special, I dont think of myself as John Mclain… the Bruce Willis character in the Die Hard films, but I’ve loved the character who just does what needs to be done when no one else has stepped up to the plate…
    So when I was diagnosed with MS in February 2004, only two years after making the massive move to the USA , the natural thing, the normal thing that people do is to pay attention to the doctors and neurologists that are so called specialists in the medical arena.
    Their advice to me and anyone diagnosed with this hideous disease is to accept what the medical specialists and pharmaceutical giants all believe.. that MS is incurable so dont kick up a fuss, be a good boy, take the medicine and resign yourself to taking their drugs and not actually living a life again…
    But as I said at the start of this post, I see myself in a different way.
    For more than 13 years I refused all MS medication and tried more than 50 things like therapies, operations, tonics and supplements, some helped a little but none in a long term way.
    In August 2018 I read “Healing multiple sclerosis” by Ann Boroch and with the help of Janet Orchard I started the ABP..the Ann Boroch Protocol  on September first.
    So in 2 months I’ll complete my 3rd year of a 4 year plus protocol.
    I’m not healed….Yet…. but I honestly believe I will be. It might be 4 years or 5 years but I’m 100% certain it will happen, why? Not because I’m special, because I’m not… but even though the majority of people wouldn’t or couldn’t keep going in the face of adversity  my John Mclain me comes to the surface and reminds me that I’m….
    Just Different….

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