Jigsaw puzzle.
Imagine if you woke up one day and were told that from this day on your life would revolve around a jigsaw puzzle, you wouldn’t be able to leave the room you were in until the puzzle was completed. Definitely a challenge especially as the puzzle wasn’t the normal 1000 piece or even 5,000 pieces. No, it was 50,000 pieces, now that was going to be hard but not impossible. Now this is where it starts to get more complicated and much more challenging because at the end of the day regardless of the progress you’d made, the puzzle would be scrambled again meaning the following day you’d start from scratch again. Bugger….
But what if apart from the stupid rules that you have no choice but to abide by, what if everyday regardless of the progress you made that not only was the puzzle scrambled that you were given a totally different puzzle so apart from some straight sides or corner pieces nothing else or no other rules were the same. Ok now this is bad but it gets worse if you can believe that. On top of all that your ability to operate and function was being restricted everyday, things like wearing thick gloves so picking up little pieces was really hard and each day you had to add a pound of weight to a weight belt. After an undefined period the gloves have become boxing gloves and the weight belt has become a 15 stone monkey on your back.
Does that all sound frustrating…..welcome to my world…
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