Its not, but it is….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

It’s not, but it is…
Making the decision to not give in and not to accept the depressing prognosis issued by the supposed experts in health that the disease you have is incurable, it’s strange how the medical world seem to promote themselves as such an incredible body and how they are working tirelessly to find ways of treating disease. If you look closely and search for the number of diseases they tell the world that are incurable you’ll find that there are 60 classes of disease that cumulatively equate to more than double that. Fifty years ago it was less than 30… hmmm, what they want you to believe is that they are such a wonderful group of people working on behalf of mankind…. but really they’re just a bunch of “Cant be bothered to truly help doctors”, working with the “money grabbing heartless pariahs, the pharmaceutical companies.
What a bunch of BS they spin…foods are made with synthetic crap that even insects avoid and certainly should never enter a human body. The chemicals, the artificial sweeteners, the additives, taste enhancers like MSG, monosodium glutamate and GMO’s… genetically modified organisms are all designed to appeal to the tastebuds and make you eat more of the unhealthy food.
People put lots of weight on and get organs incapable of doing the job they were designed to do and guess what…. they get sick and take drugs… drugs that treat symptoms and no more.
Alternatively you can consider a natural and proven way of restoring health, contrary to what the millions of brainwashed naysayers, doctors, drug lovers say, the Ann Boroch Protocol works for a multitude of diseases, not just multiple sclerosis. It’s a lifestyle change not just a simple diet.
So as the title of this post says… It’s Not Easy…but It is Worth It…

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