Is it just me?
Everyday I see and hear commercials and ads on the TV, radio, magazines and the internet, all promoting foods, drinks and OTC drugs, all purporting to be healthy or tasty and certainly not harmful. Seeing these ads etc is actually offensive to me, they’re insulting and insinuating that I’m an idiot or at least someone that believes all the crap they’re saying.
Surely people aren’t that numb, surely the blatant lies are obvious to everyone or is it just me!!!! The ads promoting yoghurts from various suppliers, Muller being the last I saw today incorporating sports personalities and prominent athletes that their yoghurt is good because it’s fat free… tasty yes of course but healthy and good for you… Not a chance.
The adverts for indigestion pills get me, the last one I saw had a woman stating she was fed up of having indigestion and heartburn so was “taking control”…and having Nexium, a once a day pill that provided 24hrs relief…. hold on, hold on!!!! taking a drug that masks the symptom caused by you eating foods that are harmful to your body is Not Taking Control.. It’s brainwashing you into eating crap that is damaging your internal organs. Think about it, if the food or drink gives you indigestion, do you think it’s good and its just you that isn’t functioning properly….. try this little test… pour a little Coke or Pepsi in a glass, then drop a coin in and watch as it completely cleans it, it’s burning off all fats and grease and dirt, now think…. what’s it doing to your organs, blood, glands and enzymes etc.
Take control….. that doesn’t mean taking carcinogenic, damaging foods and drugs, it means think… use your common sense and don’t be a slave to your taste buds.