
Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

World MS Day is today and their theme is “Invisible”… I can see that making those not suffering from this hideous disease more aware of the many symptoms plaguing us, has got to be a good thing, I don’t know how many of the 2.3 million sufferers worldwide are genuinely in pain 24/7 but I’m sure that most are in one form or another. Personally my pain is intermittent and certainly not the most influential and damaging of the symptoms. However, highlighting the Invisibility of the many problems and hopefully bringing it to the attention of others has got to help.
In my particular case the invisibility of the worry, anxiety, frustration, extreme fatigue and disappointment are more relevant, I have a long term goal, I live alone and after my final years in America which included divorce, I have no savings or back up funds, I survive on disability benefits. I take no MS medication, my choice…I use what I have to buy compliant and nutritious foods and obviously the necessary supplements for the Ann Boroch Protocol. So the invisibility of Worry, Anxiety and Frustration come into play, I try to exercise daily which completely exhausts me and emphasize my weakness.. Disappointment happens for very short intermittent periods when what I’m doing appears to be wrong, yes I’m following the ABP but occasionally I try something new or eat a different compliant food only to find that my unique body, as is everyone else, then realise that particular food doesn’t work for me. The reality is those occasional hiccups are just speed bumps along this life changing road to recovery.
Millions around the world with other diseases, not MS suffer from pain and other problems just as much as us, my heart goes out to them all. As for us MS sufferers, there is a way of genuinely helping in the short term and more importantly, the long term if you have the will…determination and sticking power then the Ann Boroch Protocol is for you regardless of how the possibility of true healing in the eyes of so called helpers is Invisible

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