In my opinion….
From an early age I’ve always been encouraged to ask questions, obviously there are credible sources of information that can be gleaned from books that are extremely useful and beneficial especially when actually seeing the subject you’re researching first hand isn’t possible. But is it right to accept an opinion as being fact when that opinion doesn’t provide conclusive proof… I’m now referring to the generally accepted views relating to the disease called multiple sclerosis which in reality is a name describing symptoms affecting the brain and central nervous system. The world’s so called experts in this area have an opinion based on them not being able to find a conclusive, definitive answer, in other words… they just don’t know!!!!
So the rest of us, the uninformed masses are encouraged to just accept the opinion of people that call themselves experts but don’t know the answer. Yes they state categorically that the immune system, our personal self defensive mechanism that’s there to protect us, has been fooled, it’s confused and is attacking itself, hence being categorised an autoimmune disease. The reality isn’t that our immune system is confused, it’s that they, the so called experts are confused, they just don’t know, so rather than saying that they’re not as clever as they’d like us the believe they are, they say it’s our body that’s fighting itself… going back to my opening statement…. Why is this happening?..
The world of Allopathic medicine, basically aim to treat symptoms, not to find the cause…
What “They” do is offer excuses and drugs to ease and alleviate some of the many symptoms knowing that this method is fighting a losing battle, this is like trying to dry yourself while still in the shower, getting dry is never going to happen.
In 2004 when I was officially diagnosed, I didn’t know the answer but I absolutely believed that there was one and decided I’d keep looking and not simply to give up as the doctors were recommending. I must have tried 50 or 60 different therapies and treatments, some helped to a certain extent. A full dental revision with the world best, body chemistry rebalancing, CCSVI and other treatments like Bee venom therapy with Pat Wagner….painful…
I suppose most people would have given up after so many expensive and painful treatments, but luckily I never lost hope and was rewarded 13 months ago when after reading a life changing book started on the ABP.. The Ann Boroch Protocol was created by Ann Boroch who healed herself completely in 4 years, no symptoms, no lesions, no markers… healed.. and guess what…. she didn’t use drugs!!!!! She worked out what was causing the multiple symptoms collectively called multiple sclerosis and she did it by addressing the deficiencies in nutrition and excesses of candida running rife in her body.
She asked questions and found answers then acted upon them, she never said “oh crap, I can’t find the answers” and gave up as the allopathic experts do.
So without a shadow of doubt in my mind, this is my course of action, it’s 4 years but big deal!!!! what’s 4 years when compared to life.