I’m being tested.
I wrote yesterday about a visit I’d had, it was strange and slightly surreal as the visit I had was from me, yes me, as in Stefan from three years in the future who was able to make a unique leap into his past. Quantum jumping apparently is where a person can make a leap across time, he told me, I must firstly say it was so weird actually having a conversation with myself. It wasn’t just me talking to myself in my head, I could actually see him sat across the room, it was me, actually I looked great. Basically he, who is really me, just from the future, told me that what I’m doing, the Zapping and the dietary changes as per Ann Boroch might not seem good right now but they are working correctly. I think most people are so accustomed to taking a pill that appears to be helping but is only masking the symptoms by numbing brain receptors, so looking at me, struggling and in pain they simply can’t see the changes. There’s probably ten trillion cells in the body so removing the bad guys, the parasites and pathogens takes time, it’s not a simple case of putting some insulating tape over some electric wires to stop them recognising a problem which is what drugs do.
So the bad guys are trying their best to keep causing havoc in all the different systems and organs while I’m trying my best to get rid of them. The bad guys are doing what they do best and making my life miserable. But as I’ve said and as me from the future has told me, I just have to ignore them and stick to the program 100%.
The thing is, I know this will work and I know I have to be strong because now I’m being tested.