I’d always ask…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

I’d always…

Have you noticed that a much larger percentage of people these days are sick, even if it’s only that they are taking prescription or OTC drugs? The reason for this is twofold, Firstly its that 99% of non organic foods and drinks are loaded with taste enhancers and additives in general, and secondly, because of the symptom addressing drugs. So, these two are perpetuating the lines of customers.
Anyway, that’s what I believe everyone already knows but ignores.

I talked about blood tests and why the real problem when having them done, is not the actual blood test, but the way they are interpreted.
Sounds strange, yes!
When I worked for the late Dr. Hal Huggins we would analyse 34 components, there’s more but the 34 we looked at were deemed more relevant to genuine health.
Now this is where it gets difficult to describe, so bear with me.
Each one of them were listed as being within a certain range, what “They” do, as in conventional medical professionals is widen the range of what is acceptable because so many people are functioning badly because of the widespread use of non organic foods and pharmaceutical drugs. So, if we looked at Hematocrit, for instance, we would say an acceptable range was between 3 and 5, but “they” would say anywhere between 2 and 8 is perfectly fine because that’s what the majority of people were fitting into.
So, we’d see a person suffering from an illness, but had been told their BW was perfectly fine when Hematocrit was showing at 6.75.
Obviously, I’m using terminology that isn’t something used by medical professionals, just a way of explaining.
It wasn’t just Dr. Huggins that interpreted BW this way, but several others that understood the changes in how people had been affected in todays toxic pharmaceutical laden world.
I hope my explanation makes sense. Unfortunately, I don’t have a list of doctors that interpret correctly so when you are given results, I’d always ask questions…

Any act of kindness, regardless how small is always much appreciated, thank you.

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