I will….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I will.

I spend a lot of time everyday sitting quietly, in thought, in meditation, I imagine to some people it looks boring but I hope I don’t give the impression that I’m sad or unhappy about my situation because that’s completely the opposite of how I feel.

I feel so lucky, so blessed, obviously there are things in my life that aren’t perfect but in the main my life is great. I have all I need right now, my disability benefits enable me to do all that’s necessary for right now, I know, not just think or hope because that gives the impression that there’s an option, a possibility that things will not go as I say. In my heart, in my very soul I know that what I say will happen, will happen, having the total confidence that everything that’s not good will change for the better, it’s not difficult to have patience when you know, and I do.

I want to be healthy, I want to be wealthy, I want a loving relationship with a beautiful woman, I want a fantastic car, I want to go back to America, I want to visit some very special friends in Florida, in California, in Colorado and Nova Scotia and you know what?….I will.


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