I sometimes wonder..

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

I sometimes wonder why I write for my blog, I have received well over 2 million hits to www.ratherbehealthy.com,  I have comments from all over the world… literally, it’s strange seeing comments that may or may not be complimentary from China and Japan, I’m guessing because of the writing. Anyway I imagine 80% or 90% have nothing to do with me or my illness but that doesn’t bother me, it is what it is. I sometimes write when I’m in bed at night reflecting on my day or like now at 6.30 am preparing my mind for the day. As I’ve said, I live alone but I’m never lonely, I don’t get down or depressed, I think that’s because I’m competitive, I was infected with this disease nearly 20 years ago, wow that’s just shocked me. My official diagnosis was not until 2004 but I’d had the early symptoms as far back as 1997, so nearly a third of my life has been coping with it. Anyway back to my point, I’ve always seen this as a squatter illegally taking up residence in my body and that I would just have to keep fighting this unwanted resident until I could evict it, a challenge, almost a dare and one I refused to back down from, ok I tried my best using the knowledge I’d gained from working for Dr Hal Huggins in Colorado and although that was great, it wasn’t enough. However, I’m in a far better position now, now I’m following a tried, tested and proven protocol so now unlike the many, many years I felt like I was fighting a losing battle, but in my typical I won’t be beaten obstinate way I’ve  refused to accept defeat, now it’s different, now at last I’m on the winning team and I know why I write, to constantly motivate myself.

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