How will it…
There have definitely been some really tough days and there will be others along this very special healing journey, of that there is no doubt, and on those previous bad days, especially in the early months, I struggled physically, but as bad as it was and trust me there have been some real doozies, days I’d fallen and whacked my noggin against the coffee table or the wall. Times I’d fallen out of bed, naked at 3 a.m. and taken 4 hours, 4 annoyingly, frustrating, exhausting hours trying to get up, badly scuffed my knees trying, then spent an hour cleaning the bloodied carpet because my half German scouser pride didn’t want to show weakness. Yes at those times I did struggle physically big time, but never for one second did I struggle mentally or doubt what I was doing…. Not for one second.. because of one thing.
What is it you say? well think about this, are you a parent or are your parents still alive, I’m so blessed because the German half of my attitude comes from having an incredible 87 yr old mum who was born in Berlin. Well think about you as a parent or in my case my mum, would you as a parent or your mum ever let something dangerous attack you, a snarling wolf or whatever, no the parent would always without a moment’s hesitation step in front, take a bullet for you, of that you are 100% certain. You see, getting better requires you…. Not anyone else , just you to believe, to feel, to absolutely know it’s happening. That’s how you have to be, it’s never a question of “How will it?” It’s always a categorical statement of “How it will”