How do you do it….
Having a disease that the world of medicine consider to be incurable is….. was a daunting thing to deal with, because I’m who I am and my attitude towards pharmaceutical drugs and the pariahs that make them, when I was diagnosed in February of 2004 I stuck my chin out and told the neurologist that I’d deal with it. I remember very clearly how it was in the consulting room at “The Rose” hospital in Denver, Colorado, the indignant, confused look on the neurologists face…. he stated categorically that I’d be in a wheelchair permanently within six months if I didn’t take the drugs he was prescribing… as I’ve said before, that never happened and after almost 15 years I think I’ve done well. I continued full time work until mid 2011, admittedly I struggled after that to live a normal life, I had to use a cane to walk, and that was limited, but I just knew, I just had an unfailing belief that I’d find a way… I started to have concerns and doubts when the stress of losing my job, no unemployment benefits and no medical assistance became a frightening reality…
With the help of Mum and my sister Suzie I came back to England, according to the neurologist I was beyond pharmaceutical help so it was down to me, to keep looking, to keep believing.. there’s no doubt it was really hard to stay positive although any doubt I had completely disappeared in August 2017. I’d been told about Ann Boroch who’d healed herself, I read her book, “Healing Multiple Sclerosis”, then I chatted with Janet Orchard and arranged to start the Ann Boroch Protocol (ABP) in September.
Understanding that this was not going to happen overnight, that it’s a four year program, is difficult to deal with physically, emotionally and mentally, but there’s very positive steps that inspire and motivate. The bad bits happen, but they’re just that, bits…. and become less frequent as I move further into this.
Nothing great happens instantly and without effort, but it’s definitely happening… how do I or you persevere?…. little by little…