It’s strange that the world of drugs/medicine and health according to the people that should be trusted is based on not scientific fact or absolute proof, no it’s based on an idea…. yes an idea. The idea is something called homeostasis….. apparently everyone regardless of the country or altitude or weather temperature, like being born and raised at 5,000 ft high or at sea level on a tropical island should have the same levels in bodily functions and organs. This means a medical doctor will look at a reading on a medical apparatus or chart and give a drug to raise or lower the reading so it complies with the suggested level for All people. The reality of this belief is that more people are sick in 2017 than in 1980, In the early 80’s a newborn child would receive about 15 vaccinations, that has steadily increased to in excess of 45 in the U.S. before the child is one year old. Now the GP or drug pusher insists a drug is prescribed for anything and everything, tell your doctor you have indigestion every time you eat certain foods, there’s a pill for that, you’re worried or concerned about everyday things, there’s a pill for that. In fact there’s a pill for any issue, all that’s happening is the human body is becoming less and less capable of regulating itself because of drugs artificially compensating for it. Statistically every other child or 1 in 2 in the U.S. is unhealthy and is taking a drug.
The idea of homeostasis is ridiculous, it’s absolutely stupid, if you were born and raised as an Eskimo your heart rate, cholesterol level, your blood pressure and every other bodily function will be massively different to someone born and raised in Jamaica so how on earth should they be expected to comply with homeostasis chart.
99.99% of people are born with the same organs, have the same glands but each of these do their job specifically for that particular individual. They aren’t all the same, they do it as it should be done based on where you were born. Everyone is different, every person is unique, everyone…..even identical twins..
Drugs treat symptoms, symptoms are good, they are the body’s way of letting you know something is wrong, find the individual cause and fix it, don’t shoot the messenger.
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