If you’v previously read my story I suggest you scroll to the last page, however if this is your first reading I think you’ll find this interesting.
1. I wanted to explain a little more about myself and what’s happened over the years, I would consider myself a bit of a daredevil in lots of ways, I’ve done over 800 skydives, I was a hang glider pilot, a scuba diver, mountain biker, rock climber and a pilot. I was always interested in trying new things and seeing new places, I’ve been very fortunate to have been able to travel to so many countries around the world, 24 to be exact.
2. My life seemed to be so complete, I’ve had great jobs, two great kids and what most people would consider to be a very comfortable life, that was until a terrible day in 1999.
3. I’d been living in Florida expecting the launch of a company I owned 128,000 shares in during the dot com boom. It was anticipated that the shares would launch at $15 and reach $50 within a week or so, this meant that I’d be able to sell my 128,000, I’d make almost $6.5m and I’d be a multi millionaire.
5. The launch was constantly delayed for one reason or another so I had to wait patiently for it to happen, let me tell you it was not an easy thing to do.
6. Back to that terrible day in Florida, I had left the gym then called into Winn Dixie for my groceries then headed back to my condo on Anastasia Island. My condo was on the third floor, three steps from the top with hands clutching my sports bag and shopping bags I tripped. Not having a hand free to break my fall I used my face, ouch, not a good thing to do.
7. I opened my eyes to see teeth and blood sprayed out on the top step, The initial shock and the adrenaline surging through my veins stopped me from crying like a baby but needless to say, I was in a lot of pain.
8. My brother Brian and his family were staying in the condo next to mine so I clawed my way to his door and knocked, Jeni was the first to see me and the shock on her face frightened me, blood running through my fingers with my palm over my mouth.
9. Brian and Jeni were great, helping me to gather everything from the steps, then calling several dentists to find one that could see me now.
10. The next month went by very slowly which couldn’t be said for the money spent on fixing my teeth, Brian helped with thousands of dollars, thanks matie.
11. At first it seemed that everything would be ok, my teeth were fixed so I had a nice smile but little did I know that it would be the start of a decade and more of pain and despair.
12. I had been investing in a stock, of which I owned 128,000 shares, I’d been informed that they would go for their IPO at anytime but that wasn’t the case. An extremely wealthy man, Geoff Squires had invested millions of pounds so the shares were consolidated which basically meant my holding was reduced to 12,800. Obviously GS thought very highly of this company because he poured more money in so the shares were again consolidated reducing my 12,800 to 1,280. At this time I had to return to England and find a regular job.
13. Over the next couple of years I started my own company, a web media company selling advertising and web pages, it was good but hard work.
14. At the end of 2001 I met a woman through some friends and moved to the States, my first thoughts were to meet this woman and see how things went but after a short time it became obvious that we felt a lot more for each other and we married.
15. Dona was a graphic designer and had her own business near Denver, Colorado, I got job working for ADT in the newly formed Fire Systems Group, a division aimed at servicing the fire and security needs of companies in the Denver metro area.
16. My life seemed good to me, although my wife’s personality seemed to change. In hindsight the change in personality and attitude towards me should have alerted me to what was really going on, but, ever the romantic optimist I ignored the signs.
17. I continued to exercise daily although it worried me that my stamina was failing, I couldn’t ride my mountain bike as far or as hard as I did before. Even though I worked out with weights 3 times per week I seemed to be getting weaker not stronger. We sold the house and bought a bigger place in Castle Rock, it wouldn’t be finished for six months so we moved in with some good friends Dick and Susan.
18. I interviewed for a job with Dr Hal Huggins, the more I read about this man the more I was in awe of him. He had made a stand against the all powerful ADA and FDA by proving amalgam fillings were dangerous. This didn’t go down well with a billion dollar giant (ADA) and a government agency (FDA) who were also in the pockets of the trillion dollar mega giants, the pharmaceutical industry.
19. Doc was about to offer me the job of Client Service Director when he asked me if I was prepared to lose all my friends. At first I thought this a rather strange question. I asked why would he ask that, he then said, “when you know what you’ll know, you’ll lose all your friends. I was intrigued and excited but eventually I said yes and started working a week later.
20. As my knowledge expanded with sitting in on doc’s consultations and reading all his books, I understood what he meant when he asked if I was prepared to lose my friends. It became obvious that so much of what is generally understood by the general public is tainted and twisted misinformation being spread by the hierarchy of six trillion dollar conglomerates.
21. Headed by the Pharmaceutical industry the others are the Oil and Gas giants, Food, Insurance, Law and I will group the ADA/ASA and AMA together.
22. Think about it, big pharma spend billions on advertising their potions, you get sick so you take legal action but in the meantime you’ve helped line the coffers of two giants. While that is happening the insurance scam is growing, the food industry are not interested in health so they pile more and more contaminants into our food. And guess what, yes you get sicker meaning the insurance and big pharma are real happy.
23. To add to all this the ADA/AMA and ASA are spreading more and more misinformation so you get even sicker and use more drugs, it is such a travesty of justice how these groups are conspiring to make the world a sicker place, well most of the world anyway.
24. In October 08 I attended a three day training for new dentist’s in Colorado Springs, at the end of the first day I was leaving the hotel, in the elevator with Dr Blanche Grube and Dr Marilyn Medina, Dr Grube asked if I was going to have a total dental revision. I explained that this wasn’t possible financially for me although it was probably more important I have it than for most other people. When I explained I had MS, the shocked look on both their faces was a picture I’ll never forget.
25. Dr Blanche told me….yes told me that I was to come to Pennsylvania for treatment, then to my utter surprise told me that she would do this treatment for nothing, nada, zilch money. With tears in my eyes I hugged her and thanked her from the bottom of my heart, after nine years I was finally going to get better.
26. Tomorrow, the continuation of how I beat MS
27. I’d had the necessary impressions made with a local Huggins trained dentist which were then sent to Dr Grube, I’m sure you can imagine how excited and nervous I was when I arrived in Scranton knowing I was about to have an operation that could possibly change my life.
28. Dr Grube picked me up from the airport and took me to her practice, it was after 7pm but the staff had stayed behind so I could have all the necessary x-rays prior to the surgery the next day. After the full mouth series of x-rays Dr Grube took me to the motel and spent some time preparing me for what was about to happen the next day.
29. The next day was Wednesday and I had 7 hours of dental work done, my amalgam fillings were all replaced with a biocompatible material in the first three and a half hour sitting, the next three and a half was to remove my wisdom teeth and clean out a cavitation in number 19 on the bottom left of my jaw.
30. Because she used conscious sedation I didn’t experience any pain whatsoever, in fact that evening back at the motel I didn’t even need a painkiller. I went to a local restaurant and ate soup followed by yogurt.
31. I had no dentistry the next day, that was so important as it would enable my immune system to recover, then on the Friday I was quite nervous as I knew I was about to have my front six teeth removed, but Dr Grube was so gentle with me, the conscious sedation was applied intravenously before the anaesthesia, so no needles in my gums, well they were but I didn’t see them which I can assure you was far less traumatic.
32. When I awoke three and a half hours later, I felt a little strange, as in I noticed I didn’t have teeth in the front of my mouth however there was no pain at that time. I was taken upstairs to see the massage therapist who made me feel a lot better. Acupressure and massage reintroduce the muscles and nerves in your body that had lost sensation over the years since I’d contracted MS.
33. When I returned to the motel the discomfort and pain were starting to set in, Dr Grube’s husband, a chiropractor and herbalist had given me some herbs and botanicals to help. That night was a bad night for me, I felt very alone, thousands of miles from home and no one to help or comfort me. I closed the curtains and took one percocet for the pain which in all honesty was really bad. I made ice packs by crushing ice and wrapping it in a wet towel which I placed over my jaw. As I was alone I had to replace this every 20 minutes which was a pain in the butt. I’d rest or at least try to, then twenty minutes later get up and refresh the ice pack. I didn’t sleep much at all that night but I kept telling myself that it was only temporary and that in a short while I’d be a lot better.
34. The following day was a little better for me, the manager of the hotel had put a fridge in my room and stocked it with lots of yogurt as he knew I wasn’t able to eat anything solid, he was a good man, in fact all the staff were very helpful at the Hampton Inn.
35. During my surgeries on both days I had 25 g’s and 50g’s of intravenous Vitamin C, this made a massive difference to my potential healing. I have to point out that this was given over a 3.5 and 4.5 hr period, the Vitamin C is essential and has to be given over at least this time or the body will not absorb the Vitamin C.
36. The following week, I remained in Scranton to have intravenous Vit-C each day, also my six tooth partial would be fitted on Thursday. I definitely felt a little strange not having teeth in the front of my mouth. On Thursday evening, the partial was fitted, I was very pleased, then, Dr Grube and her husband took me out for dinner, it felt so good to have solid food.
37. I flew back to Colorado on Saturday.
38. Getting back to work on Monday felt good, although I was happy that I’d had the surgery and what it could potentially do for me, I needed to be back at work, talking with, and trying to help others. That might sound strange but I loved what I did for work, it was incredibly fulfilling for me knowing that every day I had an opportunity to make a positive change in someone’s life.
39. The first week or so was actually quite difficult for me, getting accustomed to the partial in my mouth, although my speech didn’t appear to be affected it still felt weird having a lump of plastic (acrylic denture) in my mouth.
40. An important point to make for all others having a denture fitted is that it should be made of clear acrylic not colored. Yes the dentist will tell you that it should be colored pink to make it more natural looking. That statement couldn’t be further from the truth, firstly when it’s colored pink to make it look like your gums, it will stand out like a sore thumb but more importantly the pink color is made from cadmium or mercury or both.
41. Your dentist won’t give you this information or tell you that both are highly toxic and likely to affect your health in a detrimental way.
42. Now I’ve mentioned that I had always been a very physically active man so as I started to feel better mentally I also wanted to try my hand at exercising again, doc told me that I should wait three months before I put my body through any physical exertions. This was killing me to wait although I didn’t feel I could go back to serious strenuous exercise just yet, but I wanted to try.
43. I waited about six weeks before I attempted anything, there is an exercise called a squat thrust, this is starting in a push up position then jumping your legs forward and backwards completing one squat thrust. In an earlier part of my life I would do lots of these each day, very good cardio exercise and very demanding on the shoulders and legs. My first attempt was pathetic, I managed six squat thrusts, yes only six, my lungs were rasping and my thighs simply gave up.
44. A few days later I was talking with Chris Shade PhD who had been talking with doc about a chelating agent he’d developed called intestinal metal detox (IMD). Chris suggested that I try his product and very generously gave me a three months supply. Little did I know at the time how big an impact it was going to have on me.
45. On Saturday morning I took one 100 mg capsule before breakfast and waited to see if I felt anything, well I did feel something, quite nauseous actually, which was quite disappointing as I’d hoped for big changes, maybe I was a little too optimistic.
46. The following day I took the IMD after I’d eaten breakfast and I was very pleasantly surprised that I didn’t feel nauseous, about two hours after taking it I tried to do some more squat thrusts, wow, I managed 20, you should have seen the look on my face. I felt so good having done three times more of this exercise than the previous week’s attempt. Later that day I did another 20 and an hour later managed 10 more.
47. I was taking he IMD every day and exercising more and more, in fact within a month I was doing three sets of 60 squat thrusts each day. At this time I actually believed I was going to be symptom free within a year.
48. Tomorrow, disappointment sets in.
49. Over the course of the following months I definitely noticed improvements however, I still didn’t feel I was about to break through into good health so I kept looking at alternatives. I had been taking a health beverage called XanGo since I was originally diagnosed in ’04’ and I honestly feel that taking ‘the juice’ had been very influential in keeping me alive and working.
50. So I was taking Xango, I’d had the full dental revision with Dr Grube, I was going thru body chemistry rebalancing with Dr Huggins and I had taken the IMD so as long as I continued doing the right things I would get better, right?
51. No, I knew there were pieces of the puzzle still missing so I kept looking, one day I received an email, I don’t know why I received it, but I did. Anyway it talked about someone called Dr Madison Cavanaugh who professed to be able to help relieve any condition. Her book was called “The one minute cure”. At first I was very skeptical but I thought I’ve nothing to lose by opening the email.
52. The book was 119 pages and one comment she made was so valid, “disease cannot live in an oxygenated environment”, so I spent the next day reading and re reading her book and was very pleasantly surprised by her research with hydrogen peroxide..H202.
53. Dr Cavanaugh used an analogy that I thought was quite apt when she said, “mosquito’s don’t make a pool stagnant, they go to a stagnant pool”, so think about it, cancer develops in a non oxygenated environment. Cancer feeds on sugar, so the more acidic the body becomes, the greater the chance of developing a disease like cancer.
54. She recommends using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, this isn’t the stuff you buy from Walgreens or Walmart, that is just 3% and not food grade so I suggest that you don’t even think about that stuff, it’s not going to help you.
55. I ordered mine from a company in Florida if I remember correctly, I’m fairly sure their website was www.pureh202forhealth.com but don’t hold me to that. Wherever you get it from it has to be 35% food grade, when mine arrived, it came in a quart container plus a small blue dropper. I very carefully poured a small amount into the dropper and kept the quart container in the freezer, yes the freezer, it won’t freeze so don’t worry. The dropper I kept in the fridge.
56. The next day I started as per the instructions in the book “One minute cure” which suggested I take three drops in 8 ozs of distilled water. I was to have it one hour before eating in the morning and three hours after eating. It required a little planning but I was determined to do this right.
57. My first drink was gross. it tasted like sulfur, not that I’ve tasted sulfur but the after taste and smell reminded me of the smell after a match had been struck. Anyway I had three drops in the morning then repeating that an hour before lunch and the same at dinner.
58. I didn’t feel any different, but then again I didn’t really expect to, so the next day I moved up a drop and made it four drops three times a day. I was to increase by one drop each day right up to twenty five drops then back down to three, which is the maintenance dose.
59. As the day’s went by it became harder and harder to cope with the increasing amount of hydrogen peroxide, if you got some of this stuff on your skin, it burnt. and I can tell you it happened to me several times. However, I also noticed improvements in my health, I started to feel better, more coordinated and better stability. I noticed that it became more and more difficult to eat foods at the right time, this was a major problem for me as I need to eat every three hours. Its almost a hypoglycemic reaction. The problem was that if I ate three hours after and one hour before taking the h202, it would give me major stomach pains, so as the dosage increased, the discomfort also increased.
60. But I stuck with it and continued right up to twenty five drops three times a day then back down to three drops three times per day as the maintenance dose. Sadly this didn’t cure my MS, that’s not to say it won’t work on other diseases, it just didn’t do the job for me.
61. So it was back to the drawing board and searching for a way to beat this so called incurable disease, I was determined to beat this.
62. Over the next few months I’d keep looking for alternative ways of beating this horrid disease, there must have been another ten things I tried, but nothing had any positive effects. One day a friend on mine, a client called Linda living in Nova Scotia who also had MS, sent me an email urging me to look at W5 CTV, a Canadian TV station that had a ground breaking story.
63. The reporter had gone to see Dr Paolo Zamboni at the university of Ferrera in Italy, he was determined to cure his wife of MS and had been researching for several years. His research lead him to believe that his wife had a blockage in her jugular vein which was restricting the blood flow in his wife’s body. Now from the work I’d been doing with Dr Huggins, I understood that the hemoglobin in the red blood cells carries oxygen throughout the body, oxyhemoglobin. Dr Zamboni did an operation to enlarge the jugular veins and clear the blockage, this resulted in improved blood flow, hence, more oxygen to the brain.
64. His wife had tremendous results, he didn’t want to tell the world of his findings without having done further research. His work continued with another group of 120 MS patients and he found the common denominator with all patients was that they had all had some form of head trauma prior to being diagnosed with MS. In fact he found that all 120 patients he studied had the same story, they had fallen, car accident, been hit over the head or something to create head and neck trauma. He performed the operation on the patients who all had significant improvements.
65. He named the operation CCSVI or Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency. He then set about telling the world.
66. As I’m sure you can imagine, the bastion of western medicine dismissed Dr Zamboni’s work as pure luck that his wife had had improvements, in their blinkered view nothing could substitute for good old fashioned medicine, drugs to treat the symptom, because as far as they were concerned the disease was incurable. All this proved was that they had been brainwashed by the pharmaceutical industry and the money they poured out to lobbyists, and to the general practitioners who arrogantly insist that their opinion was right.
67. Please don’t think I’m demeaning the work doctors do because that’s not my intention, doctors in the main have the patients health as their primary goal, however, I honestly believe that these good hearted people have lost sight of the truth, they are constantly bombarded by the drug company rep’s. Their aim is to convince the doctor to use their product, these pariah’s, I mean people, use studies to show how their drug worked to reduce the symptom of anxiety or depression or allergy. What they don’t show is it is their own study conducted in a very biased environment, they only show you what they want and what is going to be beneficial to to them.
68. Please listen to the commercial in it’s entirety and you’ll hear the potential benefits then you’ll hear about all the possible dangers, it is laughable really, when they tell you in a very gentle voice how there is a possibility of lowering your ability to fight cancer or heart disease and there is a possibility of dying. If this happens consult your doctor!!!!
69. Ok back to CCSVI, I knew that this was what I wanted to do, what I needed to do, but how was that going to happen knowing I loved my job but it wasn’t highly paid.
70. The problem of raising the money to go to Bulgaria where the operation was done was very slim, I searched for alternative locations that could possibly be more affordable.
71. I found that there were several countries performing the operation, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, India, Sweden, England and Puerto Rico. I called and asked about prices and was shocked to find it would be cheaper to go to Bulgaria than anywhere else. Yes the treatment was cheaper in India but getting there was very expensive and hygiene was a major consideration.
72. I eventually heard of three locations in the US, this has got to be a better option I thought. None of the locations were following Dr Zamboni’s protocol exactly, there is an arrogance problem here, yes they were performing CCSVI but it was being done in a different way. This gave me major concerns, I called and talked to staff who informed me that the operation was being done in “their own way”. The alarm bells were sounding, was this just a way to show the operation as not being credible or successful. A way of demeaning Zamboni’s work and persuading MS patients to stick with drugs rather than attempting to get their lives back.
73. So I decided to make Bulgaria my choice for having the operation, just knowing that more than 14,000 patients worldwide had had positive results from the operation and more than 1,500 had been to Bulgaria gave me a lot of confidence in their work. There are two locations in Bulgaria that are performing the CCSVI operation and following Dr Zamboni’s protocol, the main location is Tokada hospital in Sofia and the other in Varna.
74. From a cost perspective the Varna location was more viable financially, but Sofia was where I wanted to go, a good friend on mine in England had been there and reported wonderful results so if it would be possible, Sofia would be where I went.
75. The problem now was raising the money, I’d need about $10,000 to be able to go, have the operation, pay for a hotel for a week after to recuperate and feed myself during that time. Ok that was the biggest issue but I’d also be a lot better off if someone could be my caregiver during the time in Bulgaria.
76. My girlfriend at the time was a wonderful lady from Thailand although she lived in Israel, I didn’t think it would be possible for her to accompany me and stay for a week. Panee is an amazing woman who told me she would definitely be there to look after me for the whole week. I was really excited and extremely pleased that she would take the time off work and travel to Bulgaria.
77. Now, how do I get the money, after wracking my brains trying to think of ways I could generate the necessary funds and not coming up with any positive idea’s I was hit by a life changing slap in the face.
78. Friday April 22nd, I had to leave work in the afternoon to have the brakes on my truck replaced, I didn’t have much money so I opted to just have the front brakes replaced and keep the cost down as much as possible. $200 lighter I returned to work only to see Jamie our office manager looking quite upset. She came into my office and sat down looking really sad, she asked me to come into her office as she had some bad news.
79. As I sat down I noticed something on her desk that made me feel that dreaded pit in the stomach, a check.
80. She told me that Dr Huggins wanted to focus his attention on DNA testing rather than helping people through body chemistry re-balancing. In order to do this he would have to bring in a specialist in the area of DNA testing, to be able to pay this specialist he would have to cut his outlay, as I was one of only two salaried employee’s, the other being the office manager, I would have to go.
81. I know lots of people lose their jobs all the time, it’s a fact of life, the world moves on, the slap in the face was that I’d dedicated my life to Dr Huggins for the past three and a half years, taken very little vacation time, in fact in 08 I’d worked an additional 400 hours, unpaid..
82. He gave me a check, paying me to the end of the month, yes one weeks pay and that was it, I’d worked there with no pension or medical benefits and my reward was a check for one week and a slap in the face. It looked like the ccsvi operation was not going to happen now.
83. The first days as unemployed were very difficult, I think I was close to being in a state of depression, although in the back of my mind I kept telling myself that I had to do something to improve my situation, how I could raise the money to get to Bulgaria and give me a chance to live a normal life again. I started to think about the Alliance dentist’s who I’d worked with quite closely over the past three and a half years. They were all reasonably affluent, they had a good attitude towards helping others so why not help me?
84. I decided to write to all 43 Huggins trained dentists and explain my situation and appeal to them, my email explained why I was no longer working for Dr Huggins and reminded them of my willingness to help in the past. I had spent a great deal of time talking to their patients and getting patients to them for dental treatment. Now I was asking for them to return the favor and donate some money to the fund of saving my life.
85. In some ways I was a little disappointed in the response, of the 43 only 10 responded positively, but three friends and my sister and mother also helped financially. So, over the coming months I’d managed to raise around $13,000 which was enough to go to Bulgaria, have the operation and allow some time for recuperation after the surgery.
86. Jim and Nidnoy, my girlfriends aunt and uncle also made a big financial donation which really made a big difference, not only would I be able to go but I’d be able to survive financially for several months until I was able to work again, this was excellent and relieved me of a great deal of stress.
87. I booked my surgery for the end of June and made the appropriate arrangements for flights etc, the wonderful, beautiful, amazing Panee also made arrangements to meet me there, I booked the hotel in Varna, made arrangements to stay in a motel the night before my flight from Denver and was like a kid with a gold card in Toys R us waiting to go.
88. June 27th I flew from Denver to London via Philadelphia, it actually was cheaper to fly to the UK, change airports then fly to Bulgaria, than to fly directly to Bulgaria. I arrived in London Heathrow the following day and had to transfer to Luton. This was very difficult for me as walking any distance was nigh on impossible. So I had to be wheelchaired from the plane, through customs and out to the taxi rank where I’d meet the taxi to transfer me the 35 miles to Luton.
89. Arriving at Luton was the start of several more problems, Luton airport used to be a small provincial airport but had gone through some major refurbishment over the past ten years. The taxi wasn’t allowed to take me to a drop off point at the terminal, he had to drop me about 100 yards away, it was extremely busy, lots of railings so the route was not direct, it was very a winding path that crossed roads. To make it worse a monsoon had started, rain was coming down so hard it was like a river flooding along the road.
90. The driver helped in that he parked then ran in the rain to get me a wheelchair, then he pushed me into a very small, partly covered waiting area where I could use a phone to ask for assistance. The person on the other end told me they would get someone out to me as soon as possible. Twenty minutes passed which doesn’t sound too bad except I was not completely sheltered from the rain. In fact my back was getting drenched, so I called again and was told “the person who was supposed to help, didn’t want to go out in the rain”. I tried not to sound too angry with the person on the phone and explained I was in a wheelchair and was getting soaked, so they sent someone out straight away.
91. It was another ten minutes before I was eventually in the terminal, through customs and in the departure lounge waiting for my Wizzair flight allowed me to really feel excited about the operation and seeing Panee again. She and I originally met in February in Colorado and I’d not seen her since March.
92. I arrived in Varna and was met by Irina, the Western Sales Manager for the clinic, she wheeled me through the airport and took me to her car. What a lovely woman she was, driving through Varna made me feel that I was in war torn Bosnia, it was a communist country until 23 years ago so the the buildings were grey concrete and didn’t look very friendly.
93. As we pulled up at the hotel, which looked really nice, I could see Panee stood on the steps waiting for me. I was really excited about having my operation but I almost felt just as excited about seeing Panee. Our meeting was wonderful, lots of hugs and kisses, I checked in, made arrangements with Irina for tomorrow then Panee and I went to our room.
94. The following morning after breakfast we were met by Irina who took us to the clinic for an evaluation and discussion with the neurologist. She was a nice lady, probably in her late 60’s or early 70’s, our communication was through Irina who interpreted. I became a little agitated when the neurologist explained that she didn’t think I had MS. Her words were that she felt it could be another type of sclerosis. I was confused by this comment and asked what she meant.
95. When she said that the symptoms I had made her feel that it could be something else, I could see she was struggling to find the right words to say to me, I then realised that she was intimating that it might not be MS but ALS. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is an 18 month to 5 year death sentence.
96. I immediately said that I didn’t think it was ALS because of several things, I had come into contact with several ALS patients and I really didn’t see my symptoms as ALS symptoms, after all I was still able to get around, work out and think clearly. No I could not accept that this was possibly happening to me, no not ALS.
97. I was really upset and it was difficult for me to think, or not think, I had to get this thought out of my head, there was no way I could have that disease.
98. We left and went to a nice little cafe to have lunch, I talked to Irina over lunch and expressed my concern about the neurologist and her view. Irina told me that she hadn’t said I had ALS, just that my symptoms were not typical MS.
99. Panee and I spent the rest of the day in the hotel, we just read and surfed the internet on her laptop, I was now getting really excited because tomorrow I would have my CCSVI operation and if things went really well I would be on my way to health again.
100. Next, the hospital from hell..
101. Irina picked Panee and I up from the hotel and took us to the hospital, pulling up in the parking lot, actually it wasn’t a parking lot it was park wherever you could, in side streets, in fields, wherever possible. Entering the hospital was a little daunting because there were lots of people milling around, the entrance looked old and decrepit. The paving stones were all cracked and it looked dirty, not what you want to see when entering a hospital.
102. What a difference between the western world and a country that only 23 years ago was communist. Inside wasn’t a lot better, so to say I was apprehensive was not really a good description of how I actually felt.
103. I was eventually taken to a special ward to meet the surgeon, a nice man who spoke some english so I started to feel a little better. After meeting the nurses I was taken into the operating theater, not really sure if that’s a good description, but that was where I was about to have the CCSVI.
104. I sat on the table, or where I was about to be operated on, the surgeon started to do some ultra sound scans on my neck to check for a blockage in the jugular veins. The left side was fine but the right was very constricted, it should have been around 14mm thick but only showed 4mm which meant the flow of blood had been very restricted. Because of my work with Dr Huggins and the research I’d done when I first heard about CCSVI I knew that the hemoglobin in the red blood cells carried oxygen or oxyhemoglobin to the organs and tissues throughout the body.
105. Having such a restriction meant the oxygen wasn’t getting to the organs, specifically the brain resulting in CCSVI or Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency.
106. Now comes the good part, the nurses who didn’t speak English gestured that I should lay on the operating table, they then removed my shoes, socks and sweat pants. At this point I was starting to feel a little strange but it became even more uncomfortable when a big burly nurse then removed my underwear. So I’m laying down with a T shirt on and the lower half of my body completely naked.
107. Another nurse then looked at me with a strange look in her eyes, she then began to shave me, moving my penis to one side then the other. She then brought out a tub of blue liquid and basically painted a pair of shorts on me, lifting my private parts up to swab around my genitals, I’m sure you can imagine how I was feeling, slightly embarrassed and slightly worried but I just kept telling myself that it would all be ok.
108. The surgeon then explained what he would be doing as he made an incision at the top of my left leg and inserted a 2 mm diameter tube into the vein at the top of my leg, ouch.
109. He then thread a camera into the tube and started to push it into my body, there was a very advanced doppler scanner overhead monitoring my body so I could see where the camera was going. The surgeon would ask if I felt any pain as he approached the terminus in my chest, I seem to remember he called it the azygos vein, not sure if I’m right about that but anyway that vein was ok so he moved on to the jugular on the left side which was also ok.
110. It felt a little strange as he was threading this camera through my body but I knew it was for a good cause so I didn’t complain. When he reached the jugular on the right I definitely felt some discomfort, not real pain just discomfort so he continued. It was here that the vein was very constricted so he would have to use the angioplasty to inflate the balloon so the vein was increased in diameter.
111. The strangest feelings were going through my mind as I was aware of what was happening, seeing the surgeon manipulating the feed going into my body and watching the screen as the angioplasty balloon was inflated. He kept asking me if I was feeling pain as the balloon was pumped higher, although it wasn’t painful I could feel a tightness in my chest. Nothing like anything else I’d experienced.
112. When he finished and started to withdraw the camera and balloon, I could tell this thing was winding it’s way through my body, just weird, really weird.
113. The surgeon applied a lot of pressure to the exit point to stop it from bleeding, he did this by pressing very hard on my leg, he did this for about five minutes and then the nurses cleaned the area and covered me with a sheet. I looked at him and said, you remember in my notes it said that I had a humming bird bladder. He acknowledged my comment then nodded to the nurses to bring a bottle for me to pee in. This was the weirdest thing as the nurse removed the sheet, grabbed hold of my penis and placed it into a bottle. I was then told to pee, which I did, the nurse waited for me to finish, removed the bottle and wiped me before replacing the sheet.
114. Then Panee and Irina came into the operating theater and asked how I felt, I said OK but not any different at this time. I was then told that it may take three to six months before the operation could truly have a long lasting positive effect.
115. I was then wheeled out after dressing and taken in an elevator that had no internal door, as it went up to the top floor I could see the walls moving past, well the elevator moving past the walls actually. We got to the top floor and then wheeled into a ward, you could tell it was newly painted with a pastel green color. There were two very basic beds with two inch plastic mattresses. I could just about see out the window and Varna looked like war torn Bosnia, so not exactly a good view, but I’d had the operation and I was grateful.
116. That day in the hospital was terrible for me, I was confined to the very uncomfortable plastic mattressed bed for 24 hrs, not being able to get out of be meant that I would have to pee in a bottle, in itself isn’t so bad but the fact that I have a hummingbird bladder meant I would pee every hour. This is where Panee helped a great deal every time I moved or looked uncomfortable she would jump to my rescue. If I needed anything she was there, I never had to ask for help, she just offered and that was absolutely wonderful.
117. The night was horrendous, I didn’t sleep at all, my butt was numb through laying in the same position, the bed was sweaty because of the plastic mattress and cheap sheets but I just kept telling myself it was only temporary and would be over soon. My faith in God was so important at that time, I kept reassuring myself that the Lord would look after me and with his help things would be good soon.
118. At 9 am the surgeon came to see me and inspected the wound where he’d made the incision, it had healed so after a few questions I was released, sounds like a prison, discharged from hospital.
119. Panee and I left with Irina, me in wheelchair until I was off hospital grounds, back to the hotel and the comfort of a wonderful bed which I took advantage of straight away, I managed to sleep for several hours and catch up on some very needed sleep.
120. The first day after the operation was spent relaxing mainly, relaxing by the pool or reading, just taking it easy. I was so grateful to Panee, she helped me so much throughout the day, in fact I know I wouldn’t have been able to do anything without her help, I felt so blessed.
121. In some ways I felt a little sad because the improvements I expected weren’t happening, or at least not as quickly as I’d expected. I was still very unstable on my feet, my coordination and stability were just as before the operation.
122. I kept reminding myself that the surgeon had said it could take up to six months before I felt 100% again, so I just prayed that the success of the operation would take place in time. After all, there had been more than 14,000 success stories around the world to date so why wouldn’t it happen for me.
123. After a week of relaxing at the hotel, it was time to leave Bulgaria, I was a little sad as my healing hadn’t happened as I’d expected and I was saying goodbye to Panee, she had to return to Israel for the rest of the year and I was flying to England to see family and friends.
124. Irina and Panee drove me to the airport and arranged for assistance as I was in a wheelchair to be transported through the airports, it was very sad leaving Panee. Hopefully the next time we saw each other I would be healthy again.
125. I had several problems on the flight to England, well not on the flight but the journey itself, however being with family in England should help my recovery, seeing the people I loved and being at sea level rather than altitude in Colorado should help.
126. I think I’d been a little too optimistic about my recovery because it wasn’t happening, at least not as quick as I’d hoped, yes I definitely felt better mentally and there was some improvement in my physical ability. Maybe because I’ve always been a very physical person all my life that the small improvements were not seen as significant enough for me.
127. I spent several days in England and was really happy to see Mum who I stayed with for a few days, my daughter Lucy came over and spent several hours which made me very happy.
128. I left to drive up to my sister Suzie’s for a day before going to see Sarah and Paul who lived a few miles from Manchester Airport where I was leaving the UK from. They are a wonderful couple and I’m so grateful for their help and hospitality.
129. I’d been told that there was a possibility of work with Natural Horizons Wellness Center in Fairfax, Virginia, so I was to go there to interview and see if this was somewhere I’d like to work. The facilities were wonderful, the staff, really nice but, and this is a big but! it was so humid which is one of the worst environments for MS sufferers. I think it was a mutual decision to not work there, they hadn’t actually offered the position to me although they had intimated the job was mine before I went there. Pete Ewens actually made a big point about me visiting their location when I returned from Bulgaria and arranged for a hotel for a couple of nights so in my mind it was an offer.
130. The humidity was so debilitating for me that I couldn’t get away quick enough, back to Colorado, for me it felt like going home, yes it is where I lived but being English I suppose I’ve always thought of England as my home. But now I think of Colorado in that way, not England, yes I will always be from England and proud of it but Colorado is my home.
131. Arriving back in Colorado was a relief for me, yes the state is a mile high or a mile above sea level meaning the air is much thinner, you can imagine how difficult that makes it for the MS sufferer but I love it here and I suppose it’s fair to say that my body and lungs specifically have become accustomed to the lack of air.
132. It probably took several days to get back into the swing of things after I got home but I was glad to be here and I remained optimistic for the future.
133. I’d had my prescription for low dose naltrexone filled and was taking one each evening before bed, my friend Sarah in England had been having a great response from using it so I kept my hopes up.
134. I decided to drink a lot more XanGo when I got back because I know how much it’s helped in the past, I had some extra juice so I’d drink a little more each day to see if that helped. I truly believe if I’d never found XanGo that things would have been totally different for me. This juice allowed me to live, it gave me a real chance of normalcy when I was first diagnosed with MS in “04”, The people I’d met with MS were all in wheelchairs or using cane’s or some other device to enable them to get around. I didn’t need anything, infact I was able to exercise with weights and a recumbent exercise bike, I put this down to XanGo initially and then body chemistry re-balancing.
135. The nutritionally bereft foods that are provided these days, if anything are more damaging to us than helpful as they are portrayed by the media. So using a high quality supplement is in my opinion, essential to subsidize our diet.
136. As time went by I was becoming despondent because on some days I felt a little better but most days I didn’t, in fact I probably felt worse, it was hard for me, I live alone so there was no one to help in the day to day activities. I had to go out and buy food. Look after the house, laundry and the other things that most people take for granted. Walking around, lifting things were becoming increasingly more difficult.
137. I pray a great deal and make an attempt to stay focussed on where I need to be, where I need to go, as in getting healthy again. My friends, Jim and Nitnoy, Panee’s uncle and aunt were so helpful, not just supportive mentally but also financially, Jim helped on several occasions with some money to pay bills or buy food.
138. One day while visiting them, Jim asked why I’d not written a book about what I knew from working with Dr Huggins, this got me thinking, I’d worked for him for over three years, I’d studied the work of Weston A Price, Thomas Levy, George Meinig and several others. So why wasn’t I documenting this? Jim mentioned that Amazon had a service through their Kindle arm that provided a book publishing service that didn’t cost anything initially, so why didn’t I use that?
139. I decided to write my book which I would call “Life according to Huggins”
140. I was very enthusiastic about writing a book about some of the things I learned by working for Dr Huggins, being able to cover in more detail, the subjects of health relating to dental work and how it influences your health.
141. Subjects such as Amalgam filling, Root canals, Cavitations and so much more, my problem would be how to get it published and more importantly how the effort and time would be able to financially support itself.
142. After lots of research I realised that this would only be a way of fulfilling a passion of mine, to inform the general public and hopefully help them to address health issues and avoid dental problems.
143. There is no way that the book would sell in it’s thousands on a monthly basis to the general public so I had to think of another way to make this work.
144. I had an idea that if the Alliance dentist’s, those trained by Dr Huggins would provide this to their patients, this could actually be financially viable. I wrote to the Alliance and sent them a short preview of the book including the forwards written by Dr Grube and Dr Rothchild who said wonderful things about the book and how it would help every patient.
145. Again I was disappointed to discover the response was less than enthusiastic, I don’t think it was because the book didn’t provide the necessary information or that it was too expensive. I just think that the mercury toxic dentist’s didn’t follow up, being forgetful is a common problem with the mercury toxic.
146. Over a month or two the book sold a hundred or so copies which wouldn’t be anything like the number of sales I’d need for it to provide a sustainable income, so I had to think of other ways to get it noticed.
147. One day the wonderful Dr Grube called and explained that Dr Huggins was really upset that I was selling a book on his specialist subject, apparently he was so upset he was going to take legal action against me, what grounds he thought he had completely escaped me. I hadn’t revealed any of his trade secrets in the book or the website, in fact I strongly recommend the readers call Dr Huggins office to get specific information so why would he take legal action against me?
148. Dr Grube pleaded with me to remove the book from Amazon, she said that she would write to the Alliance dentists suggesting they use me to speak with their new and existing patients. This seemed like a good idea, the dentists would pay a set fee for my services, consultancy services.
149. This gave me a lot of hope knowing she would make the recommendation, as she is the president of the IABDM I felt I couldn’t have a better recommendation, so this would surely work and relieve the stress from me.
150. Stress for the MS patient is even worse than consuming sugar, so a relief from that was bound to help me, little did I know that Dr Huggins was strongly against this, I have no idea why that would be the case. I mean I would be strongly advocating the adherence to his protocols and use of body chemistry re balancing which can only be done by him, so why would he object.
151. The only answer I could come up with is that 1) he feels threatened by my knowledge or 2) he felt guilty because he let me go and now I would be doing a great job promoting him.
152. I’m not sure about why Dr Huggins was against the book but he is an unusual man, a very complex man, an incredible man actually so I suppose I should be grateful for the knowledge I gained and be happy I can share it with others.
153. This website has proven to be incredibly popular with people all over the world. That’s not an exaggeration because I get positive comments from lots of countries in Europe and the far east as well, in addition to the US and Canada so I’m happy to help.
154. Several people have commented that they would like to donate money to help keep this blog alive, if you’ve read this far into my story you’ll realize that I’m unemployed and coping with MS so funds are tight to say the least. I set up a Donate button that appears on every post. If 1 in 10 viewers donated as little as $1 it would help significantly to keep me afloat.
155. I’ve offered to send a copy of my book to everyone that donates $5 or more, all they need to do is let me know their email address and I will forward the book that day, or as soon as possible.
156. Walking has been very difficult for me this past couple of month’s, yes I had the CCSVI operation and I believe long term it will help me. However it’s still a challenge for me, MS is considered an incurable disease but I honestly think a part of it is in the mind. We get bombarded with information from medical professionals, friends and family that there is nothing that can be done so it’s natural for the mind to believe it. Part of getting better is convincing yourself that good health is a feasible option.
157. I have started riding my recumbent exercise bike much harder than I’ve done before and I feel the difference in my legs, the muscles are getting firmer and my balance is improving. I live in an apartment complex, so now I try to go out every hour, walk down the 19 steps, then around the building and back up the steps. If I do this every hour then I’ll get 12 or more done each day, so that is helping, very tiring but it’s helping.
158. I have also started a second book, this one is about my life and the problems I’ve faced. Don’t think that my life has been negative or full of problems because it hasn’t. I feel blessed that have a wonderful family back in England, the most amazing mother who I phone three times each week. A beautiful daughter and handsome son. The best brothers and sisters anyone could ask for. Sadly they are all back in England, it’s my choice to be here so no complaints on that front.
159. I also had a beautiful, wonderful, intelligent, girlfriend/fiance although at this time she lives in Israel, with God’s help she will be back here in the states next year. Her aunt and uncle and our Pastor are all helping to get her back so I’m very hopeful.
160. I’ve noticed certain improvements in my balance and coordination lately, I don’t know if it’s because the reduction of stress or the supplements I’m taking. I think a combination of both actually, whatever it is I’m very excited about the improvements.
161. Asea is quite an amazing product, it’s a clear drink that has a salty taste, I could go into depth about the composition but I know I won’t do it justice, so I’ll put a post up on the product that will explain in detail what it is and why it makes a difference to the human body.
162. The Emerald Express product’s, Emerald Sea and Action Whey, I now take 3 capsules twice per day and a Action Whey shake for breakfast, the chocolate flavor is delicious.
163. These two are in addition to the Matrix supplements, Huggins own brand, there is no chemicals or pharmaceuticals added to the products, so the body doesn’t need to go through any complicated process to metabolize the supplement. I take, Manganese, Magnesium, Transmix and Potassium from Huggins. I also use Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C.
164. I am very fortunate to be able to use IMD again, Dr Shade is sending some to me next week along with another product he’s been working on. I took IMD a couple of years ago and had tremendous results. I’ll keep you posted about my improvements in a couple of weeks.
165. Life takes unusual and sometimes painful turns without any notice, I was actually feeling good about my life and the physical improvements I felt were happening, that was until the day after Christmas when a couple of things happened that knocked me for six. My other website was receiving more than 1,000 hits each day so I was optimistic that the name could be sold which would make me enough money to live on for the next six months.
One of my sisters had expressed an interest in buying in which would help me significantly, however because of some misinformation she decided not to buy in at the last minutes which dropped me in a lot of crap financially.
The very next day I learned that my girlfriend had been telling me lies about how she felt, it seems that what I perceived as love for me was really something else. Needless to say, our relationship ended painfully from my side at least.
Well my life has changed dramatically over the past year, my health deteriorated so much so that it became very difficult for me to walk unaided and at one point because I had no money whatsoever and my unemployment ended I felt the only option for me was to end it all. I think being so physical all my life and then getting sick and not being able to look after myself became too depressing for me.
My sister Suzie and my Mum stepped in and brought me back to England. Suzie has been incredible looking after me and making all the necessary arrangements with the doctors so no they have officially recognized my MS and have agreed I will get a disability allowance for life.
There are a million things I need to document but that will have to wait for another day.
Over the last year so much has changed and the majority for the better, with all the wonderful help I received from my amazing sister Suzie I now am able to live a decent life and not worry as I did a year ago. I have a wonderful apartment or flat as it’s referred to here and I’m so lucky to get disability benefits so I’m able to buy the food and supplements I need.
I’ve been following a Raw food diet over the last three weeks which is having a very positive effect on me. I’m trying to gradually wean my body off all processed foods, it’s not easy so of the twenty something meals I eat each week I’m only having processed food’s three or four times.
This is going to be a life long project so the better I do in these early days the better chance I’ll have with sticking to it.
Well in the main I’m sticking to my raw food diet, I say in the main it’s roughly 23 of the 28 meals I have in a week, sometimes a little more. My breakfast and most of my lunches are raw and then most of my evening meals are processed or hot meals. It can be a little difficult as the weather is getting colder now winter is on it’s way. A salad just doesn’t cut it when it’s freezing out but I think this food regimen is starting to make a difference.
Most mornings when I first get up which is typically around 7am I feel good, each day I’m able to do a little more a little more efficiently and not feel worn out so quickly.
As my sister is away on holiday in Greece I’m only able to have my hyperbaric chamber treatment once a week, but once is better than none so I am grateful to my wonderful niece for her help.
Well lots has happened in the months since last writing, I’ve been trying a slightly different protocol which is based around himalayan crystal salts and magnesium chloride.
Although i still have optimistic thoughts about hyperbaric treatment I’ve stopped for the moment while i assess this protocol.
Each morning I’ve soaked for an hour and a half in 4 rocks and 2 cups of magnesium chloride, I suppose I can say that I’ve been feeling better albeit limited to better stability and marginally improved strength. The difficulty is that I’m limited to how I feel not specific improvements in body chemistry.
I decided to try alternating between the Himalayan salt and mag chloride as I’d found a good deal on Amazon for bulk buying, 25k for £24… good deal. I tried my first soak a couple of days ago and although I didn’t feel any differences immediately which I wasn’t expecting, I did notice improvements a couple of days later (today) so my plan is every other day to have a 90 minute soak in a hot but not too hot bath.
I certainly feel more optimistic now than at any time since returning to England. I’ve also managed to get some incredible deals on books by Dr Huggins and Dr Thomas E Levy so although I’ve read them before it’s good to remind myself of some details and finer point’s I’d forgotten.
Detoxing is very important especially for those that have been and are mercury challenged, it’s important to note when removing toxins that they are eliminated properly without the chance or being reabsorbed.
Detox and not Retox…if you can imagine a wide mouthed funnel, you can pile the crap into it and watch it drip slowly from the narrow spout, but if cramming too much into the top without giving ample time for it to empty it will overflow. This is what happens if you try to detox faster than the body allows resulting in reabsorption or retoxification.
So as much as I want to get this done asap, I have to take my own advice and do it properly.
Well for the past few days I’ve been having my detox bath first thing in the morning, I’m pleased to say that the effects appear not only to be positive but lasting longer which as you can imagine is definitely making me feel more and more optimistic.
The 25kg bag I’d bought doesn’t look like Himalayan crystal rock’s because it’s a very fine powder with the consistency of flour. At first I was a little upset thinking I’d been ripped off so called the company but was relieved when they explained about the origin and how it is mined.
So I’ve been soaking in the HRS (himalayan rock salt) for 90 minutes, for me being an MS sufferer for 14 years I have limited mobility. At home I wall and furniture walk, meaning I have to use the wal and furniture to lean against and keep my balance.
Getting in and out the bath is difficult, I can get my right leg in but then have to use my hand to help my left leg in. After soaking I can actually lift my left leg out of the bath unaided and dry myself without having to lean on the wall. Each day the period of improvement is lasting longer. I’m noticing better stability for several hours after the bath.
From a detoxifying standpoint I accept that this is going to be a very long process and detoxifying in itself is not going to “cure” me. Having worked and studied with Dr Huggins who in reality is a world leader in his field of expertise. I understand the prevalence of mercury in my body has damaged the organs and as such minimised their efficiency. So correcting the damage and reestablishing homeostasis is going to take time. However a good diet and correct supplementation is also going to help.
I pride myself on a good knowledge base, but I am constantly researching to build on and improve that.
September 25th, 2014 at 11:36 am
Wow, this paragraph is good, my sister is analyzing these things,
so I am going to let know her.