Friday was a great day for me, I felt good in several ways, definitely stronger and more stable physically but I think what pleased me the most was my fine motor skills, my fingers were a lot more capable when handling my supplements which can be a little fiddly. Mentally I also seemed more competent and less overwhelmed. Some days I find myself frustrated when I know this is working but part of me, the “I want it now” part, forgets that there are thousands of things happening inside this massively complex body of mine every second, some of the good things are trying their best to fix what is wrong. At the same time there’s just as many parasites, pathogens, fungi and yeast trying just as had to stay where they are, messing up the correct functioning of my organs. So I have to give myself a good slapping, not literally of course, but sit in the quiet, meditate and believe that my body just wants me to help myself to help myself…. does that make sense?
I talk to myself a lot knowing that I can be an awkward stubborn scouse git sometimes, I know you find that hard to believe…. not.. I talk to myself because I know I’ll bloody question everything I think about… I don’t think I just can’t make my mind up, I just want to try and see things from every angle so I can do the right thing. I’ve read Ann’s book more than once and to be honest I just cannot see anything wrong, she did it right and that’s got to be respected and admired, you were amazing… R.I.P.