Feeling good…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Feeling good.

You have to understand that me feeling good is a rare but good thing and on the days it happens it would be easy to just enjoy the lack of pain and ease of mobility in comparison to previous days. But that’s not how I am, I have an inquisitive mind especially when it comes to me and the shitbag that squats in my body.. Yes the MS.

So on the days like today, or this morning at least I try to piece together the changes that have taken place and the cumulative additions that have been influential. So that gives you an idea of what’s going through my mind every, yes every moment I’m awake. I did have an hour soak in my magnesium chloride bath yesterday and I know it has a positive influence on what’s happening in me, but I don’t think that it was that alone, I’ve been taking megadoses of the lipospheric vitamin C over the past week or so. My thoughts based on how I’m feeling, what I’m doing and taking daily is that something is working, I’m not allowing my body to succumb to the 24/7 battering I get so I see this as winning the battle. I have to be strong and determined, I have to stay focussed, this battle has been on going for more than 150,000 hours but the half scouser, half German in me is a strong, determined never give in person.

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