Feel it….

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Health

Feel it.

Everyday I do roughly the same things, I know I have to drink the specific drinks I have that are crammed with nutrients and the correct organic vitamins specifically for my particular body chemistry. Apart from that my niece Debbie who is my carer comes about 11.30 to replace the drinks for tomorrow, I have experienced significant differences in my ability to function if for some reason I don’t do this, hydration is a major player with MS.

The major differences in my day, regardless of a weekday or weekend is the meditation I do, there are some that tend to be at similar times but others especially new ones that can be done when I learn of them. Anyway the changes I experience are mostly short lived although the fact that I’m still alive and kicking is testimony to the fact that what I’m doing and taking is working. Something I’m very aware of is that saying or repeating a specific mantra actually does nothing, the changes and improvements happen when I focus on what I’m saying and believe it, I honestly believe that the subconscious mind has all that’s required to fix anything that’s wrong in your own body. Obviously I’m not doing it perfectly right but I’m close, I know it, anything worth having is never easy to get, I’m learning all the time to focus, concentrate on the experience of allowing my mind and body to not just say it but to feel it.


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