I suppose the word “Falling” can be associated with many actions that happen in our life, the odd one like “falling in love” but mainly negative things “falling flat on our face” or “falling off the step ladder” or just “falling over”… they all have negative feelings associated with them. But I’m not referring to any of them here because I’m talking about my life specifically and what’s happening. If I was to go back to September last year and think about how I was feeling on most days during that month, I would mostly remember living in fear actually because if it was a day that I wasn’t suffering, and they only equated to about 12 or so then I’d be dreading the anticipation of what was to come the following day. Having a disease like multiple sclerosis is a hard thing to live with for anyone, there might be various levels of pain and discomfort but it’s still a horrible thing, whatever stage, phase or designated level the medical professionals chose to call it… it’s MS and it’s a pain in the ass to live with, actually it’s not “living with” really, it’s more a case of “existing” with for 24/7….
Anyway, getting back to my point… September, yes it was tough, very tough actually and on reflection a month of lots of horrible days, but days that had to happen because my body was going through an extraordinary phase, it was attempting to eliminate yeast and fungus and parasites that were creating havoc in that incredibly complex and delicate place we live, as in our body. Imagine looking in a sink full of water that after a long time had accumulated lots of foods dregs and waste so the plug hole was blocked and wouldn’t drain… I know, I know… I tend to waffle a but but bear with me, it’ll make sense in a bit. So August, the water was clear but then in September I put my hand in and whoosh it all about… the waters not clear anymore, it’s all messy, but it had to happen in order to clear that clogged up drain.. leaping forward…. October, November, December, definitely getting much easier to cope with, January, February and March were mainly good months, April and May I only had the occasional bad sessions that lasted a few hours each and here I am in the last third of my tenth month, I still have MS obviously but it feels like I’m not just “existing” anymore, now I am excited that it feels like I’m “living”.
The “Falling”…. the complexity of the dietary changes, the supplements, the anti fungals and the effects they’ve had, now it all makes sense, now they are all “Falling into place”…