Experts at…

Posted by: admin  /  Category: Uncategorized

Experts at…

Isn’t it amazing that just by taking a couple of paracetamol that
they can take away some terrible pain. Any pain caused by a twisted muscle, a strain, a cut, even a headache or whatever ĵust seems to be relieved by the painkillers, do you ever think about that? It’s amazing how a cheap painkiller can just “know” what part or parts of the body are in trouble and causing you such distress. I mean knowing that the painkiller from whatever pharmaceutical company can identify a problem in a body made up of trillions of cells can find the issue and relieve the pain.
If that’s the case then surely every drug for every health condition should be primarily based on cheap paracetamol.
So why do pharmaceutical companies say they’re spending millions and millions on research?
Well actually, they are!!! but not to find a cure for anything because in reality what they’re trying to do is simply find a way of relieving a symptom, that way they have a never-ending line of Customers.
Getting back to the painkillers, actually big pharma should be sued for breaching the Trade Description Act because they aren’t killing a pain, they are just preventing the pain signal from reaching the brain.
I’ll explain, as I said the body is made up of trillions of cells. Every one of the hundreds of thousands of muscles, organs, limbs and skin all communicate via a very intricate network of nerves to the brain.
Think of the road network in Britain, they all go to big and small locations but when they want to get to the Capital, London they all join with a motorway, lots of little roads and intersections but in the main, it’s reached via the M1.
Same with the body, miles upon miles of nerves combine at a “Gateway” before reaching the brain.
All signals of pain have to pass through the gateway, so the painkillers are simply jamming it up, the signal gets in but goes no further meaning the pain caused by a problem is still there and possibly getting worse but your brain is just never told about it.

There have been several “Whistle-blower articles published over the years but the trillion-dollar giants have the money to prevent the information from going mainstream and discrediting the author. Information about, creating disease then amazingly out of nowhere finding a “drug” to address it is never revealed.People like me and thousands of others share this information but because “they” are massive customers for the advertisers and spend millions on catchy jingles and advertisements that stick in everybody’s mind, people are convinced that big pharma couldn’t possibly be making a supposed cure that in reality is no more than an addictive over the counter drugSo next time, think before you take the addictive painkiller, do you want to Stop the pain from the Cause of the problem or would you rather the problem get worse but just not know aboutThe sad FACT is, big pharma are experts at telling lies…

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